One tap water is in charge of Huang Shan to be dug to if fountain construction is caused carelessly,

One tap water is in charge of Huang Shan to be dug to if fountain construction is caused carelessly,be defeated

Install client of big Anhui of net of evening paper Anhui newly to carry message on April 4 in the morning, one water works reachs the tap water of road of Mount Hua of brook of collect of the city zone of yellow hill downtown a section of a highway of big public house of yellow hill international, spew of many tap water and piece, after personnel of tap water rush to repair hears the news, urgent rush to repair is dug the conduit of damaged.

According to knowing, this is the construction unit construction that buries sewage conduit beforehand in this a section of a highway is caused carelessly, the director path diameter that is dug to defeat has 400 millimeter, damaged reachs the cut off the water supply that rush to repair causes, the influence uses water to village of along the line of Mount Hua road and unit.

Around dweller says, water column gush rises have more than 10 meters tall, water is entirely on the driveway. Huang Shan is in charge of person related company of town tap water, that day morning at 7 o'clock 40 the left and right sides, discovery going to work this circumstance, took step of cut off the water supply instantly, spot circumstance decided the basis to search tubal leakage and measure of rush to repair later. That day midday 12 when make, this conduit that dig caustic already repair.

As we have learned, the tap water underground that causes because of road surface of construction unit excavate provides net damage event, in recent years this downtown the city zone has happened many cases, in the meantime, still had happened to light the incident be digginged such as tracheal path. The citizen wants before construction of hope construction unit and butt joint of tap water company, affirmatory cop is in charge of, lest the damaged of feed pipe net is caused between construction.

Install client of big Anhui of net of evening paper Anhui newly to carry reporter Wu Yongquan

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