Small make up had said before, have good chicken, have to eat simply, otherwise with respect to botch.
Steam, of Bai Qie, salt Ok, former juice raw ingredient, what can eat a good chicken most is fresh and tender. I still say, all one's life most be fed up with pink of chicken of the that use salt to make saline chicken?
Want to do leather fragile bright, the flesh is tender slip, even bone sweet to hate to part with throw, get the saline chicken that congee of Bao of go off with just is content with, have enough of a salt.
[saline chicken]
Feed material to prepare: ? Handleless cup of ⒋ of lofty of stalk of fine Α ⑾ my word?
1. chicken is washed clean, air moisture (won't drip water with respect to Ok) . With fine salt (edible salt) toward gallinaceous body outside and in is wiped.
2. uses sand paper of chicken of of two pieces of salt to had been wrapped.
3. thick salt puts end of the mat inside boiler first, it is good that scope magnitude of salt follows the contact end boiler with can putting chicken to go down not to let chicken, probably 2 centimeters thick. (small before when making up saline , can fry salt first hot, but practice discovery is not fried later also disappear noisy, so lazy)
4. piles up good into the bag chicken, let chicken do not follow the 4 walls of boiler to contact as far as possible, if have the place that come up against, thick salt is filled up between chicken and boiler wall.
The thick salt lid of 5. the others is above chicken, the boiler on the lid is built, in leaving, small fire is boiled, probably 10 minutes of or so attune become the smallest fire, slowly a hour. (during can hear the bang in Pi sound, this is normal chicken is in a water, steam and hot salt mix) .
Emma, whole process is very sweet very sweet, wish to open a lid immediately big fast a cheek ah hello!
6. opens a lid, poke apical salt. Sweet sweet chicken, it is good when ~ to should be become inviting.
Small stick person
Use salt only the saline chicken of of ancient magic art of this kind of tradition, gallinaceous skin color is met a little some weaker, but what cannot sustain shows character is sweet.
1. salt: Want to use thick sea salt, general a chicken wants 1 packet of salt. The chicken of big drop 2 packets of salt.
Sand paper of chicken of 2. salt