75 years old of old people reside remote mountains cloister alone 20 carry, daughter of foster head

Anhui lodges for the night in remote mountains of temple of spring of emperor of city desolate county, an old person resides remote mountains cloister alone 20 carry, the old person receives recuperate baby to love immensity greatly. The old person calls Chen Yuhua, this year 75 years old, do not have wife room all one's life, live in desolate county old channel village, fane of nurse of holy spring temple comes 20 years ago, live in remote mountains all the time. He adopted the daughter calls Chen Hui, contract cerebral paralysis disease, he should bring daughter sit in meditation everyday. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Anhui lodges for the night in remote mountains of temple of spring of emperor of city desolate county, an old person resides remote mountains cloister alone 20 carry, the old person receives recuperate baby to love immensity greatly. The old person calls Chen Yuhua, this year 75 years old, do not have wife room all one's life, live in desolate county old channel village, fane of nurse of holy spring temple comes 20 years ago, live in remote mountains all the time. He adopted the daughter calls Chen Hui, contract cerebral paralysis disease, he should bring daughter sit in meditation everyday. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Young daughter Chen Hui is inherent it is a beautiful little girl, as a result of inherent wisdom incomplete, won't talk, abstruse the outside daily and wait-and-see move remote mountains amuse oneself comes to in face world people in big eye of Mo Ce. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Young daughter Chen Hui is inherent it is a beautiful little girl, as a result of inherent wisdom incomplete, won't talk, abstruse the outside daily and wait-and-see move remote mountains amuse oneself comes to in face world people in big eye of Mo Ce. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are in everyday mouth of gate of holy spring temple practices walking. Introduce according to local villager, chen Yuhua old person lives in remote mountains of temple of spring of desolate county emperor, the old person adopted early or late two abandon a baby, big daughter Chen Jiao contracts congenital heart disease, cure basically already now read in the school at present; Second Chen Hui is congenital cerebral paralysis, need Chen Yuhua to attend everyday. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are in everyday mouth of gate of holy spring temple practices walking. Introduce according to local villager, chen Yuhua old person lives in remote mountains of temple of spring of desolate county emperor, the old person adopted early or late two abandon a baby, big daughter Chen Jiao contracts congenital heart disease, cure basically already now read in the school at present; Second Chen Hui is congenital cerebral paralysis, need Chen Yuhua to attend everyday. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Yuhua bestrews vicissitudes of life and goodness on the face, he lives in desolate county old channel village. Tell about according to the old person, little girl calls Chen Hui, the girl just was born to be by parental abandon by door of backyard of hospital of desolate county county, be born to be mixed with respect to cerebral paralysis epileptic. Be collected by the old person bring back remote mountains to adopt. Chen Hui this year 14 years old, the old person has the name. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Yuhua bestrews vicissitudes of life and goodness on the face, he lives in desolate county old channel village. Tell about according to the old person, little girl calls Chen Hui, the girl just was born to be by parental abandon by door of backyard of hospital of desolate county county, be born to be mixed with respect to cerebral paralysis epileptic. Be collected by the old person bring back remote mountains to adopt. Chen Hui this year 14 years old, the old person has the name. (the picture comes from Oriental IC) Mention Chen Yuhua old person receives recuperate baby, the thumb since around villager vertical stroke praises unceasingly. The graph is Chen Yuhua and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease to walk in study of mouth of gate of holy spring temple. (the picture comes from Oriental IC) Mention Chen Yuhua old person receives recuperate baby, the thumb since around villager vertical stroke praises unceasingly. The graph is Chen Yuhua and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease to walk in study of mouth of gate of holy spring temple. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is in remote mountains of county of desolate of the Anhui province, chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are together. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is in remote mountains of county of desolate of the Anhui province, chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are together. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is in remote mountains of county of desolate of the Anhui province, chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are together. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is in remote mountains of county of desolate of the Anhui province, chen Yuhua of old person of 7 a period of ten days and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease are together. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Hui has contribution of person of good intention bowel to treat a disease to her in one's childhood, went to Beijing large hospital a few times treating, the illness did not improve. What the old person worries most is him age already passed 7 a period of ten years in one's age, on earth does not have much boy time, daughter Chen Hui is worry of the restless in night. The graph is Chen Yuhua and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease to be in holy spring temple. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Chen Hui has contribution of person of good intention bowel to treat a disease to her in one's childhood, went to Beijing large hospital a few times treating, the illness did not improve. What the old person worries most is him age already passed 7 a period of ten years in one's age, on earth does not have much boy time, daughter Chen Hui is worry of the restless in night. The graph is Chen Yuhua and the young daughter Chen Hui that contract cerebral paralysis disease to be in holy spring temple. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is worn for Chen Yuhua pickaback the young daughter Chen Hui that contracts cerebral paralysis disease comes home. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The old person says is 5 protect door, annual the government sends him money of more than 2000 yuan of lives, small female Chen Hui also has 400 yuan deliverance fund every months. Still good intention person sends rice face and egg constantly. Although money is bit less, the day suffers from a dot, can living together with the daughter everyday still is quite happy. The graph is worn for Chen Yuhua pickaback the young daughter Chen Hui that contracts cerebral paralysis disease comes home. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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