Hubei: Before epidemic situation did not remove, complete province of short duration does not open r

About strengthening public new coronal further pneumonic epidemic situation prevents the announcement that controls the job

Pneumonic epidemic situation prevents new coronal of each city, city, county accuse headquarters:

On April 8, 2020, wuhan city is opened from Chinese passageway. Traffic removes differ to accuse to remove at preventing, 0 add newly do not be equal to 0 risks, city gate is opened do not be equal to a door to open. The vigilance that each district wants to maintain epidemic situation cannot be reduced, prevent accuse to ask to cannot be reduced, prevent accuse a standard to cannot be reduced. Accuse to strengthen public epidemic situation to prevent further, affection of severe epidemic prevention rebounds, inform as follows with respect to concerned requirement now.

One, before rigid public start business opens epidemic situation to did not remove, complete province of short duration does not open hall of room of cinema, chess card, entertainment, Internet bar, ballroom, bar, KTV, groom orgnaization, indoor natatorium (pool) , airtight place or use subterranean space to wait for air duct slats poorer stadium house or stadium, the others is public open with management unit start business by each district basis write one's own ticket of epidemic situation risk. Public management unit should fulfil epidemic situation to prevent control main body liability, should perfect epidemic situation to prevent further control the job beforehand case, fulfil each strictly to prevent accuse measure. Various and wholesome healthy service and branch of travel owner canal should strengthen supervisory examination, accuse measure not to fulfil those who reach the designated position to be instructed instantly to preventing rectify and reform, refus does not rectify and reform ask by relevant code stop production close down. 2, strict control personnel collects free market of agricultural products, bazaar, supermarket, hotel to wait should adopt restriction guest discharge, recommend a client to adopt self-help to shop, the measure such as self-help settle accounts, shorten effectively queue up to expect time, reduce a crowd to gather. The airport, station, dock and public traffic tool want to be deployed through strengthening personnel equipment, science is adjusted ascend by time, increase service passageway to wait for measure, reduce a passenger to await as far as possible, time queueing up; Want reasonable organization transport power, the passenger is ascended after multiplying, arrange as far as possible lie between, sit dispersedly, cogent reduce personnel density. 3, disinfection of strict environment cleanness is of all kinds public should do cleanness of good object surface to disinfect by the regulation, strengthen indoor and ventilated, perfect hand disinfects establishment to deploy, had implemented measure of each environment sanitation strictly. Should supervise and urge strictly service personnel, client adorns guaze mask, fulfil temperature to sift check measure, adorn to refusing guaze mask, detect temperature or appear of the doubtful symptom such as calorific, dry cough, ought to dissuade enter a room or ascend by public traffic tool, prevent epidemic situation transmission. 4, fulfil strictly prevent accuse a standard to control the job to coach each district does very public epidemic situation to prevent, pneumonic epidemic situation prevents province new coronal accused headquarters organization to make " public start business opens a condition " , " office place and public new coronal are pneumonic prevent accuse a guideline " , " the public is general new coronal is pneumonic precautionary guideline " , ask each district to combine early days already station of field of foreign personnel administration, guesthouse, hotel, passenger transport reachs the community of print and distribute company of service of vehicle, meal, hairdressing beautifies hair, 6 kinds of big industries such as sufficient bath, bookshop or place are prevented accuse technical guideline, catch good conduct propaganda to gain ground seriously, lawfully, do good epidemic situation to prevent according to compasses, science, standard control the job. In the meantime, should strengthen new to broad masses coronal pneumonic prevent the conduct propaganda that accuses knowledge to teach, guide masses epidemic situation to prevent the crowd shuns as far as possible during accusing concentrated place, nurturance washs his hands Dai Kou cover, frequently, do not gather wait for good sanitation to be used to. 5, strict epidemic situation deals with various medical establishment and calorific outpatient service should hold to measure " early discovery, early report, early segregation, early treatment " " 4 early " measure, carry out strictly beforehand check cent examine and head examine is in charge of making. Discovery new coronal is pneumonic doubt seems a case, should take strong step instantly and seasonable and active report. Once produce doubt to be like epidemic situation, pneumonic epidemic situation prevents new coronal of area under administration management of the person that accuse headquarters to want rapid organization to begin epidemiology investigation, doubt to be like cure of case of illness, osculant contact, implement each measure such as area disinfection, accomplish " discover one case, deal with one case " , epidemic situation control is in " budding " condition, put an end to epidemic situation to diffuse further stoutly spread.

Accessory: 1. Public start business opens a condition

2. office place and public new coronal are pneumonic prevent accuse a guideline

3. public is general new coronal is pneumonic prevent a guideline

Hubei saves virus of new-style coronal shape to affect pneumonic epidemic situation

Prevent dominate headquarters office

On April 7, 2020

Accessory 1

Public start business opens a condition

During epidemic situation, the following requirement must be had before public start business is opened.

One, prevent accuse a mechanism to reach the designated position

(one) of all kinds public controller and proprietor of place of management sex service should do good epidemic situation to prevent accuse relevant regulations system to make, organize group by group complete member groom.

(2) person specially assigned for a task is in charge of fulfilling epidemic situation canal to accuse measure, include healthy code to check, canal of density of stream of people accuses, configure have remind and dissuade enoughly do not wear guaze mask and other disobey prevent the staff that dominates requirement action.

(3) make prevent accuse working program and lash-up beforehand case, only responsibility of class person specially assigned for a task is fulfilled reach the designated position.

2, employee platoon is checked reach the designated position

(4) build the personnel that return hillock to register a system, to all returning personnel registers a person, state of body of detailed notes worker, holiday goes out circumstance, the platoon is checked the person that contact closely is medium during affirming worker holiday whether to have infection personnel, ensure employee is healthy.

(5) close good employee entrance, put an end to stoutly " mount guard of in spite of illness " , every platoon checks discovery to have calorific or cough symptom or did not remove medicine observes, should prevent its to return hillock, report relevant section in time by the regulation. Conditional area strengthens sieve of as healthy as the employee that client close quarters contacts state to check, nucleic acid detects masculine gender or electropositive personnel of serum antibody IgM cannot mount guard.

3, facilities goods and materials reachs the designated position

(6) spatial entrance has temperature to detect establishment, wash one's hands and alexipharmic establishment is enough, lay in 5 days of not less than dosage.

(7) answer conditionally to set segregation observation room in the opposite independence, drafty, single room that has independent toilet, best place issues wind direction at the place.

(8) the dining room has minute of eat to make, box meal makes a requirement, 1.5 meters of above can maintain to be apart from between personnel of eat of the Duan Jin when can taking fraction, have dinner.

(9) employee dormitory in principle does not exceed 6 people every, average per capita not less than 2.5 square metre, should have but open window, time and ventilated.

4, environmental disappear is killed reach the designated position

(10) be opposite ahead of schedule public the establishment inside, equipment undertakes overall take kills epidemic prevention, clean air conditioning screen pack ahead of schedule, make sure air conditioning system or exhaust fan movement are normal, strengthen indoor and ventilated take a breath.

5, lash-up prepares to reach the designated position

(11) fulfil responsibility of safe production main body strictly, the safety that establishment of good power supply, water supply, air conditioning and electric line make before practice is opened is checked, ensure water, report, gas, air conditioning is normal.

(12) the safe inspection that makes very mechanical equipment, special type equipment, tooling and work environment, ensure without reason barrier, without omit, professional sanitation and labor defend reach the designated position.

Accessory 2

Office place and public new coronal are pneumonic prevent accuse a guideline

One, the preparation before the job

(one) safeguard defends goods and materials is deployed. Preparative guaze mask, disinfectant, wash one's hands fluid, fast the preserve such as dry hand disinfectant, thermometer, one-time glove endowment. Aggrandizement Training Within Industry. Arrangement person specially assigned for a task undertakes operating rules and epidemic situation prevent those who accuse measure to groom alexipharmic, promotion epidemic situation is prevented accuse to deal with with lash-up ability.

(2) personnel should remind to adorn in office place and public entry point guaze mask. Hint in health of marked position paste, use all sorts of indication that pneumonic etc contagion prevents new coronal of screen conduct propaganda to accuse knowledge. Conditional unit can execute the discrepancy that sweep a code.

(3) can add deserted guaze mask special ash-bin, with the respirator that has used at putting in, notice to clear in time.

(4) preventive disinfection. Give priority to with ventilated take a breath and clean sanitation daily, at the same time more to the contact public article and place undertake preventive disinfection. Wait to the ground, wall when necessary undertake preventive disinfection.

(5) undertake to employee health is monitored. The staff member piles up green yard go back to work by health. Execute daily health to monitor a system, build temperature to monitor register this. The other place returns a staff member to need to undertake registering, undertake administrative by apanage management principle. Before the day goes to work, every ought to undertake temperature measure to employee. The personnel that conditional unit can serve to be a client directly begins acid of pronucleus of go back to work to detect.

(6) healthy education. Extend to personnel of go back to work propagandist manual, defend in sanitation of paste of place of office place and generous of public stream of people placard, broadcast propagandist video, and through small letter public date, small gain is directional push send defend intellectual data.

2, the wholesome requirement inside the place

(one) ventilated take a breath

1. is preferential open a window, use nature ventilated. Conditional can the air extracting device such as open platoon fan flows with strengthening indoor air.

2. use collect is hollow when moving ventilated system, ought to assure to center air conditioning ventilated system movement is normal. Should shut a wind, use brand-new wind moves, ensure indoor have enough new wind force.

Garage of the exhaust fan that 3. ought to assure compartment type elevator, underground is ventilated systematic movement is normal.

(2) air conditioning moves

1. is used brand-new wind kind moves and shut air conditioning to add wet function, ensure new wind is taken directly from outdoor, air inlet cleanness, give blast tuyere unobstructed.

2. is opposite regularly air conditioning air inlet, give blast tuyere disinfection, use the disappear venom of effective chloric 500 Mg/L to wipe; The condensate that strengthens pair of fan coil dish, the clean disinfection of cooling water; Air conditioning is ventilated of the system clean disinfection according to " public concentration is empty move ventilated system to clean alexipharmic standard " undertake.

(3) rubbish collects processing

1. classification is collected, seasonable Qing Dynasty carries. Common rubbish puts black polybag, the protective equipment rubbish such as guaze mask classifies processing according to other rubbish. Do not have all round rubbish canister and rubbish dot scatter, rubbish deposits bit of of all kinds rubbish seasonable Qing Dynasty carries, rubbish exceeds a quantity to pile up without overtime.

2. cleanness is disinfected. Car of rubbish have a change of luck and rubbish canister keep clean, can use effective chloric 500mg/L regularly contain chloric disinfectant to spray or wipe disinfection; Rubbish nods wall, ground to should keep clean, can use effective chloric 500mg/L regularly contain chloric disappear venom to spray.

(4) elevator of type of automatic staircase, compartment

1. suggests to avoid to ride compartment type elevator as far as possible, when taking, ought to adorn guaze mask.

The ground of elevator of 2. compartment type, sidewall ought to keep clean, daily disinfection 2.

Armrest of 3. elevator pushbutton, automatic staircase often contact place daily disinfection ought to not less than 3.

(5) subterranean garage

The ground of subterranean garage ought to keep clean. Jockey the personnel such as key-press extraction card often contacts place daily disinfection ought to not less than 3.

(6) assembly room, office, muti_function hall

1. maintains cleanness of office division environment, the proposal is daily and ventilated 3, every time 20 ~ 30 minutes.

2. the staff member ought to adorn guaze mask, distance of 1 meter of above maintains when chatting.

3. decreases attend a meeting when second peace conference discusses frequency, grow, session ought to open a window or open the door. The proposal uses the means such as network video conference to undertake more.

(7) dining-room meal place (area) , between dining room and boiled water

1. maintains airiness, give priority to with cleanness, preventive disinfection is complementary.

2. takes significant billabong step, encourage bale outside mixing, sell, avoid personnel to be mixed thick and fast dine together activity.

3. dining-room is daily disinfect 1 times.

(8) toilet

1. strengthens airiness. Ensure the water such as lavabo, floor drain seals segregation effect.

2. is daily undertake wholesome cleanness at any time, maintain cleanness of the ground, wall, wash one's hands the pool does not have bilge, urinal is accumulated without contamination of excrement and urine.

3. article surface disinfects those who use effective chloric 500 Mg/L to contain chloric disinfectant to be opposite communal mesa, wash one's hands hand of pool, doorknob and wholesome clean are provided wait for object surface to undertake wiping, wipe clean with clear water after 30 minutes.

3, epidemic situation is answered

(one) setting lash-up area. Can handling official bussiness place or public inside create lash-up district; When occurrence doubt is like semiotic personnel, undertake temporary segregation in time to this area, handle according to relevant provision again.

(2) strengthen health to monitor. Notice oneself health condition is monitored during employee on guard, according to " early discovery, early report, early segregation, early treatment " the principle does good ego to manage. Management unit ought to have holidays by turns of reasonable arrangement employee.

(3) occurrence doubt is like case of illness to answer. Appear when employee when the doubtful symptom such as calorific, lack of power, dry cough, the go to a doctor of calorific outpatient service that should arrange nearby in time, to its below professional guidance working activity place reachs use article to undertake alexipharmic handling. Management place must report in time to relevant section, the person that in professional guidance issues pair of intimate contacts begins a platoon to check, executive segregation observes.

Accessory 3

The public is general new coronal is pneumonic prevent a guideline

New coronal is pneumonic it is disease of a kind of new hair, the basis establishs this guideline to the understanding of this disease at present, during applying to disease popularity, public individual prevents guidance.

One, the yield results in work outside decreasing as far as possible is moved

(one) avoid to go the disease is in fashionable district.

(2) avoid to visit friend in person as far as possible, dine together the party, rest in the home as far as possible.

(3) reduce the public activity with concentrated personnel, especially the place with air wrong fluidity, for example common common bathing pool, hot spring, cinema, Internet bar, KTV, bazaar, station, airport, dock, exhibition.

(4) enter public, when taking a public traffic tool, those who sweep a requirement ought to sweep a code actively.

2, the individual defends and the hand is wholesome

(one) go out adorn guaze mask. Before going out, mix toward public, go to a doctor when taking public traffic tool, adorn one-time use medical guaze mask or medical and surgical guaze mask.

(2) maintain hand sanitation at any time. Reduce the communal article with public contact and position; When market shopping goods, can use one-time glove. From public return, after cough hand covers, anteprandial hind, with wash one's hands fluid or toilet soap running water wash his hands, perhaps use alcohol part avoid wash wash one's hands fluid; When whether not firm hand is clean, avoid to contact a nose eye with the hand; When sneeze or cough, with bazoo of shut up of elbow dress block.

3, health is monitored with go to a doctor

(one) active Shen Lingjian health code, do the health of good individual and domestic member to monitor, when giving out heat self-consciously, want to measure temperature actively. There is a child in the home, want morning and evening to feel the child's forehead, if have,give out heat should measure temperature for its.

(2) if appear doubtful symptom, should wear guaze mask actively seasonable nearby go to a doctor. If appear,new coronal virus affects doubtful symptom (include calorific, cough, pharynx painful, bosom spends accept difference, lack of power, spirit difficulty of frowsty, breath, gently a bit poor, disgusting vomiting, diarrhoea, have a headache, spend ache of limb or muscle of the small of the back flustered, conjunctivitis, gently to wait) , should according to the illness, see a doctor in time to medical establishment, avoid to take the vehicle such as the subway, bus, avoid to head for the place with dense throng. The journey of the district of should tell him doctor actively relevant disease popularity when seeing a doctor lives history, and what person has been contacted after coming on, cooperate a doctor to launch relevant investigation.

4, hold good sanitation and healthy convention

(one) the bedroom opens a window frequently, often ventilated.

(2) domestic member is not common towel, maintain cleanness of household, tableware, dry the clothes frequently by.

(3) do not spit everywhere, buccal nose secretion has been wrapped with paper towel, discard builds dustbin at having inside.

(4) notice nutrition, move moderately.

(5) do not contact, buy and edible wild animal (namely game) ; Avoid to head for the market of animal of sale live body as far as possible.

(6) the family is equipment buy thermometer, one-time use medical the goods and materials such as things of disinfection of guaze mask, medical and surgical guaze mask, family expenses.

(Hubei daily)

Hubei: Before epidemic situation did not remove, complete province of short duration does not open room of card of cinema, chess, Internet bar to wait

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