Ancient time does not have sanitary towel, come Mom of mother's eldest sister how to do?

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Primitive society periodPrimitive society when live the condition is abominable, but the female also has physiology requirement, also can come Mom of mother's eldest sister ah! That moment does not have any processing, can use hay only or the leaf brush blood.

Servile society period

Servile society period, the mankind learned to hunt, knew the dress that uses hide or bark tailor to come cover up a scandal, come go up with respect to meeting mat when Mom of mother's eldest sister a few induct content drily to suck maternal aunt blood, and still learned clean vulva with clear water.

Feudal society periodMankind of feudal society period invented spin. This moment female uses cloth make it a little bag, both ends is bound with drawstring between the waist, some of plant ash is installed inside, became the wholesome bag at that time. Came Mom of mother's eldest sister changes wholesome bag needs the carries blood plant ash inside, catharsis of reoccupy close water is clean air. The family with bad condition, when the female is badly in need of using, still can parch with fire. That moment had had cotton to wait for article, wealthy family can load cotton to act as inside hop-pocket wholesome bag. Because cotton sucks blood not easily, so plant ash is at that time of girls love most.

After papermaking art is inventedAfter papermaking art is invented, rough straw paper, white paper went up with respect to the clique use. Female of indigent other people loads hop-pocket to be used when sanitary towel with rough straw paper, female of rich other people loads hop-pocket to be used when sanitary towel with white paper.

Pinch female is used " plug "In respect of sanitation of archaic female physiology, compare wealthy family to just can take seriously only, because of pinch family meal be on short commons, have what mood to be in charge of these. The female of pinch family, when forthcoming month classics, to stop hematic outflow, can use the article such as cotton to serve as plug, a place of strategic importance enters the vagina. Woman of another respect ancient time gets married early, menstruation comes first commonly, can go-between comes act as a matchmaker, early produce next male offspring. And they still do not have lamplight in the evening, without contraceptive condition, basically be to give birth to then, until after cannot be being borne, menstruation just can stop.

Ancient time " sanitary towel " want oneself to doThe ancients thought is conservative, the business that there is sale sanitary towel rarely on market is spread, only shop of individual rouge soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes just has sell. The sanitary towel of archaic woman is so basic it is oneself are made. Learn each other between the female, generation generation inheritance. Deft woman still can go up in the embroider on sanitary towel decorative pattern. Imperial family pays attention to yellow most, sanitary towel also can use maize cloth to make, the woman of average household, it is to use the material with gules perhaps black normally. Female use sanitary towel also is met be led according to circumstance video of the family and decide, a wholesome bag accompanies some women all one's life!

It is not easy really to do a wife, the female is now how happy!

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