What more classical pocket towel breaks a law?

Expenditure exquisite man, wore the business suit with decent a suit, formfitting shirt, delicate leather shoes, beautiful cravat, right now pocket towel can have the ornament, effect that make the finishing point in whole collocation.

Beautiful group

This is one kind very simple fold a law, it is to be used in formal circumstance and recreational circumstance no matter very beautiful. pocket towel the petal sample with random nature of optional roll into, show Western-style clothes the part should keep fleeciness, can appear vividder and elegant.

One word

One word fold a law to look more low-key, suit duty field man and business affairs situation, give a person a kind of spell able, decent sense.

Optional model

Since be optional model, do not have the requirement with special what to modelling, informal fold a place of strategic importance goes in, it is OK to resemble showing a small pointed tip so;


This kind folds a law very grand, assume 3 small part, also resemble 3 hill, the formal attire with general grand collocation and very formal suit. This kind folds a law to most person, may daily life is not used certainly get.

Carry again finally, pocket towel is used in China, had better want to consider actual national condition. In Chinese pocket towel such male adornment still is compared small numerous, a lot of people think this is one kind is compared grand and formal adorn article, dare not use usually. Want a bit more low-key, can choose with business suit concolorous, next plain coloured and OK, not exaggerated design and color is OK also, the be fond of that sees yourself.

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