Problem advocate hello! I am earthly Sramanera! I will answer your question! The friend that likes a car can pay close attention to me!
Say verdict first: Although Sramanera more recommend Hanlanda but also must admit to regard scope of acute of content of science and technology taller!
Acute bound
Han Landa
The Sramanera says only today at 2 o'clock, engine and batholith. Above all engine, the engine of CAF2.0T turbine pressure boost of acute bound most high-power 345 horse power are the greatest torque 350 oxen rice, han Landa's 8AR most high-power 220 horse power are the greatest 350 oxen of torque rice. CAF is not that Ford 2.0T that Lu Hu uses at the outset any more! The biggest torque from 1750 turn can arrive continuously all the time 4500 turn! Specific technical we also does not go to the problem research, the Sramanera is conveyed from flank why CAF is taller than content of 8AR science and technology. It is CAF of engine of straight gush of turbine pressure boost to be able to add 92 oil together, ford did not burn engine oil issue, also do not have " problem of this Tian Duo engine oil " this bit most reflect engine technology content can intuitionisticly! The need that does not have and so on of what racing bike adds 98 benzine to breath out! 8AR did not say 95 gas. And CAF motive force is more powerful than Hanlanda so much! ![](
CAF batholith key says. The domain of acute bound is beautiful feel already OK to place on a par with luxurious brand, exceed Hanlanda more than a level! Integral sex and hold charge a sex so fierce that do not want what do not want! The key is tenacity so good still!