Since January 1, 2018, a lot of town are sure the alleged medical treatment with progressively original disuse to get stuck, turn its into social security card, see a doctor later that is to say submit an expense account it is OK to taking social security to get stuck. Cure defends in principle is to execute ground city class to plan as a whole, the regulation of countrywide each district can differ somewhat, want to look according to particular case of place. New rule basically is to have the following:
One, new farming close to protect card to close with town dweller cure for an organic whole, unite at present for town dweller, do not divide agriculture and blame agriculture: Basically be new before farming close, new farming closing is a very fundamental policy to the farmer, new farming the every time that agree is adjusted concerning the personal interest of the farmer. 2018 new farming close will do again adjust, namely pay fee scale rises, capture expends 150 yuan area to rise before 180 yuan, capture expends 180 yuan area to go up 240 yuan, go up in 30-50 or so yuan. 2, submit an expense account in light of the system, the following kinds of circumstances do not grant to submit an expense account: 1, submit an expense account under formulary lowest of amount submit an expense account no longer. 2, also will not submit an expense account without what undertake submitting an expense account inside formulary time. 3, every buys preserve one's health kind medicines and chemical reagents will not submit an expense account. Specific kind eye protects medicaments catalog to be with cure accurate. 4, will not submit an expense account without what making medical establishment seek medical advice. 5, the courtyard of approval illicit rotation that does not have a hospital treats will not submit an expense account. 6, the medical treatment cost that special accident place produces also will not submit an expense account. 3, from submit an expense account will look on scale, submit an expense account scale also was to do very big adjustment: 1, outpatient service submits an expense account scale: Outpatient service (wholesome place) see a doctor submit an expense account scale is 60% , and the level of the hospital submits an expense account higher proportion is smaller. 2, be in hospital submits an expense account scale: Town hospital submits an expense account 60% , the hospital such as 3 stage shell submits an expense account 30% . 3, a serious illness submits an expense account scale: Medical establishment hospitalization expenses uses one level in 400 yuan the following, do not set case pay a line. And save 3 class hospital to submit an expense account scale rose 55% . Nearly 12 kinds of disease such as lung cancer, new farming add up to allowance most be as high as 70% . Keep staff to joining inside a natural year, the accumulative total of medical treatment fee that the individual loads surmounts a serious illness reliable remove in principle of charge of above paying a line to divide paragraph of accumulative total to compensate: 30 thousand yuan (contain) less than part submits an expense account 50% , 30 thousand yuan of above reach 50 thousand yuan (contain) the part submits an expense account 55% , 50 thousand yuan of above reach 80 thousand yuan (contain) the part submits an expense account 60% , 80 thousand yuan of above reach 100 thousand yuan (contain) the part submits an expense account 65% , 100 thousand yuan of above reach 120 thousand yuan (contain) the part submits an expense account 70% , 120 thousand yuan of above reach 150 thousand yuan (contain) the part submits an expense account 75% , part of 150 thousand yuan of above submits an expense account 80% , year accumulative total compensates amount not to surmount 200 thousand yuan. Did not classification by relevant policy turn to should drop of examine pay share, demand is advertent is, ginseng of whole town urban and rural resident protects medical treatment of personnel be in hospital to expend (contain outpatient service special disease is planted) accumulative total individual is prideful amount (complete at one's own expenses the part is outer) surmount a serious illness the line pays since compensation (10 thousand yuan) above part, just by a serious illness reliable compensate by regular portion. 
Cure protects capture to although be moved on year after year,expend a standard, but the medical service that the dweller can enjoy protects welfare pay to also have rise accordingly. The problem that everybody cares is cure is protected submit an expense account can see a doctor to them bring actual welfare, although capture expends dweller of the attune on the standard,also be willing so pay, but will look from current and actual condition, the dweller submits an expense account to what cure protects the system still has certain bad-mouth. Cure protects itself is the welfare policy of a Hui Min, fulfil its only reach the designated position, ability makes most person have a good opinion of ill, be anxious for charge of medical treatment of a huge sum no longer. Will always tell, cure is protected wide the characteristic that enclothes low safeguard is inevitable existence, ability of insurance of business of exclusive additional share lets future live to be ensured somewhat!
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