Is the woman with menstrual short cycle's true meeting old faster?

Since ancient times beauty is like a famous general, must not the world sees hoary head.

What someone says the woman with menstrual short cycle is old is fast, is this true?

Reply: This is not true, also tell that somebody to say for me " somebody " .

Give everybody popular science first the hormone that carries female beauty appearance -- estrogen. Although the skin is far from ovarian, but it has estrogen to accept put oneself in another's position, it is one of important estrogen target organs.

Estrogen had very main effect to change of the cutaneous in female lifetime. Estrogen makes derma is added thick, the collagen inside connective tissue is decomposed decelerate; Make skin proliferous, flexibility and blood offer improvement.

To sum up in a word, estrogen brings beautiful appearance, always white, luster mixes the skin stretch, bosom plump, hair is thick, look in man and woman very attractive female is general estrogen on the high side.

Which organ is responsible is estrogen? Doctor Fu Hong had given out above the answer, estrogen basically originates ovarian. Ovarian function failed, female menopause, the exudation of estrogen also greatly decreased.

So the woman with menstrual short cycle, is menopause early also?

Lift a chestnut, two ladies, much lady and little lady. The menstruation of much lady comes 24 days, the menstruation of little lady comes 32 days, does much lady compare little lady early menopause certainly?

The result is not certain.

Respecting affects menstrual factor, must say reincarnation still is work of a technology really, because the genetic background of everybody is different, follicular pool measurement is different, this is the chief factor that decides menopause some time in the future.

Also big sample book investigates data to show, what use prophylactic of profess to convinced for a long time is small advocate, its menopause age is deferred, restrained oviposit with prophylactic of profess to convinced, decreased to be used up follicularly about.

Still the expert thinks, productive small advocate, because gestation is very much very long, ovarian be able to rehabilitate, follicular decline and menopause also are met later. 2 embryoes policy was unlocked now, a lot of females joined the rank that wants 2 treasure.

Besides genetic element this main factor, these diseases that may cause ovarian loss (different of the film inside the uterus disease, pelvic cavity is affected) , go to already ovarian operation history, those who involve pelvic cavity illuminate put cure history, change cure history relevantly with sexual gland (put because its are brought about,change cure ovarian in follicular and many rapid closedown) , disease of immunity of element of smoking history, environment, oneself, sheet, bring about menopause likely to shift to an earlier date ovarian even premature senility.

Apparent ovarian function is not to show level of follicular and exciting element achieves 40 years old of females before completely surround menopause level (> 30-40Miu/mL) and amenorrhoea, this kind of symptom is in clinical on say for " ovarian premature senility " .

The female is in 40 years old before menopause is called " ovarian premature senility " , send a gender formerly namely ovarian function is not complete, cure of systemic sex estrogen serves as clinical go up to treat a method for a long time, it is the first selection that treats this disease.

Sum up, we cannot change genetic element, because up to now nobody pass through successful. What our female friend can accomplish is healthy lifestyle, those who maintain the state of mind is free from worry, moderate campaign, do not stay up late, be far from smoke wine (include secondhand smoke) , discovered a disease, choose normal hospital to accept make a diagnosis and give treatment. Other can give only time.

If have poetic word on purpose, years never beats beautiful woman.

([Doctor Fu Hong] the department realizes empty interlocution autograph to make an appointment with an author, the article is achieve an article formerly, head hair realize empty interlocution at date of today's top headlines, the picture originates network, do not make commercial use! Avoid duty statement: Article content offers reference only, do not do diagnose, with medicine and use foundation, the diagnosis that cannot replace doctor and other medical personnel, cure reachs a proposal, if have the body unwell, ask seasonable go to a doctor. )

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