Why does the skin do a skin but very oily still?

Ask: Why does the skin do a skin but very oily still? Answer: Make clear this Hunan problem wants to clear up above all at 2 o'clock: Why can 1 skin lack water? Why can 2 skins give oil?

Answer the first question above all: Why can the skin lack water.

Layer of normal skin cutin can form complete " film " , avoid moisture prediction of a person's luck in a given year, protect internal composition to not be damaged, what this says on medicine namely " protective screen function " .

Like peel skin this function got affect, "Diaphragm " no longer complete, can let the moisture inside the skin, electrolyte and other material can be lost through skin, the skin can lack water, can become very dry.

Drying skins even if long-term sex is short of this kind of function break, let the skin be in a kind of insalubrious condition.

The 2nd problem: Why can the skin give oil.

The chief criminal disaster that the skin secretes grease is hormone of the male inside body. (ask an attention: No matter the metropolis inside body of male and female secretes male sex hormone. ) male hormone has been entered inside the body a series of after using as, give your sebaceous glands make known to lower levels the order, secrete grease.

So, be short of water to you can bring about the skin to secrete grease? The answer is possible!

Cutaneous " diaphragm " having one share is grease of sebaceous glands excretive, when the skin special below the circumstance that lacks water, the skin can give body make known to lower levels the order, let sebaceous glands secrete grease to come to this have repair " protective screen " .

So, encounter such problem to must accomplish the following: 1 filling water, filling water, filling water.

Filling water this is one of keys that solve this problem. The choice protects wet product by force to let moisture of seasonable and complemental cutaneous. And a lot of the part locking up water such as acid of Bo make water is contained in keeping wet product, can increase the function locking up water of skin interior, ease the pressure of sebaceous glands.

2 must not distinguish clean too! ! !

You jump over the thing of that oily oil and he to work, he does not comply with more your command. And best means gives sebaceous glands solution pressing namely.

How be solved? Select gentle clean face product please + efficient moist cream. After your sebaceous glands gets enough conciliation, he can close naturally neat oneself small strength.

The 3 work and rest that keep good and active configuration

Want to know, grease excretive germ is the hormone inside body secrete. So, healthy work and rest and condition of active the earth's core let what keep gentle inside your body do tweak namely. So, doing a Buddha is a girl, kiss ~

Like my answer, did not forget to nod assist oh ~(^ - ^ ) V

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