IPhone 6s Plus can show the means enlarge that put to allow 128GB through changing really, but your friend says to buy hard disk from some treasure, go upgrading to 128GB next in malic inn, that affirmation is in flicker you. Malic government inn provides this kind of service impossibly, otherwise everybody cleans out hard disk, who goes buying the IPhone 6s Plus of 16GB?
At present the method no more than of mobile phone of enlarge look IPhone is to buy bigger shine put, look for tripartite mobile phone to maintain inn to help you next original mobile phone advocate board the 16GB that go up shines put use a tool to tear open, change 128GB. As a result of IPhone mobile phone shine putting is the course is added close, changing so the facility that major still needs after Shan Cunzhi undertakes decoding and reductive the data before. Whole process is involved tear open machine and software to decode, still have content of a few technologies quite so, average him user does adventitious for certain, can maintain inn to change through the mobile phone only.
So what does IPhone 6s Plus have to affect to 128GB from 16GB enlarge look?
Above all, your storage space is larger, it is 8 times previously fully, because this can install more software game, film more photographs and video, also need not fear storage space is used not quite again.
Next, because high capacity shines,put read write speed to often compare small size to shine put faster, so theoretic the traversal speed of your IPhone 6s Plus is met in a way is a bit quicker, but basically feel do not come out. And if you are used, is quality is poorer shine put, of the mobile phone read write speed to may be compared slower before, and stability also shines as former outfit put. If change craft of maintenance master worker closes nevertheless, solder of possible meeting occurrence empty even leakage of electricity, bring about a mobile phone to use n increase sharply, can burn out even advocate board.
Finally, privately is torn open machine and change affirmation meets the IPhone mobile phone of hardware protect, after enjoying the government to make work freely namely. Although a few IPhone 6s Plus had been protected too originally, a few services of Dan Ping fruit are to disregard guarantee period. Serve than changing battery like 218 yuan when roll out this year, no matter be in,not be in guarantee period can be changed. But if be come to by the fish after malic government makes work enlarge of mobile phone privately was allowed, so the privilege that you cannot enjoy 218 yuan to change battery.
As a whole, contain spread of IPhone mobile phone advantageous have disadvantage, be about to see old furniture body how balance!