Be pregnant does the darling when 3 months have how old?

The size of 3 months darling and uterus

Be pregnant the darling of 3 months has 80 millimeter to grow commonly, 25 grams are heavy.

At this moment, amniotic fluid is 30 much milliliter about, it is the bulk of a cup of water. Placenta also has been formed, the uterus also increases subsequently.

In 10 weeks when, the uterus approachs an orange size, in 12 Zhou Shi approachs size of a grapefruit, be in 14 Zhou Shi is size of a small watermelon.

The change of the body

You can detect your girth some coarsened, weight also had a few growth, about 4 jins or so.

Abdomen can increase somewhat, but basically cause, main factor is not the child in abdomen greatened.

The circumstance of everybody different, a lot of because pregnant is inchoate reaction of vomiting during pregnancy is severe, feed no less than pharynx, weight is a lot of lighter instead, abdomen also did not greaten, these are normal.

The figure of everybody is different also, some abdomen figures carry high, of abdomen evenness, abdomen also won't have too big change. So abdomen looks not to come out also is normal.

You still can discover the breast is bigger than before also 3-4 date, ratio before be pregnant, want plump.


The embryo after 3 months became fetal, abortive odds is reduced greatly, have 1% only about. Reaction of a few early pregnant also meets this moment disappear gradually, accurate mom can become new again energetic, buoyant. If in front the news that has not announced to be pregnant, can be at ease at this moment announced.

I understand above, wish pregnancy is happy. If have doubt, greeting comment area leaves a message communication.

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