Exemple of moggy geometric ratio magnifies 50 times hind, can you be over cruel tiger?

Ask: ? Cheek ǖ is short of?0 of soil  glutinous times hind, can you be over cruel tiger?

The weight of moggy, fair cat is the heaviest 5 kilograms, mother cat is the heaviest 4 kilograms. Enlarge 50 times fair cat 250 kilograms, mother cat 200 kilograms.

Tiger, northeast Hu Xionghu is average 300 kilograms, tigress is average 180 kilograms.

Bengal tiger male tiger 260 kilograms, tigress 150 kilograms.

The geometric ratio exemple of moggy magnifies 50 times basically highlight the " word such as a " . All ability that are moggy magnify equably 50 times.

Moggy is right definitely if the tiger is fair to hero, the mother is right female, so fair cat can hit a deuce with male tiger, mother cat can be over get the better of tigress.

Because the " scale such as " magnifies moggy, though fair cat weight is inferior to male tiger, but its spend adroitly, feral degree, swift and violent spending is enlarge of geometric ratio exemple, one spends enlarge adroitly 50 times with respect to can tired dead male tiger. Mother cat is right definitely tigress need not say, mother cat weight magnifies 50 times with respect to can crushing tigress.

Moggy scale magnifies 50 times, had not hit a tiger,

The " scale such as moggy " magnifies 50 times, be over get the better of a tiger!

Magnify the fair cat of 50 times is touched on tigress, or magnify the mother cat of 50 times is touched on male tiger, dozen do not rise, because the opposite sex is not repellent.

Enlarge of 50 times

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