Who is one's own? Young woman jumps down yellow Pu Jiang to save love dog, leave a daughter 4 years

Hello: This problem lets do not have Yan Zhi to shovel excrement official to elaborate his viewpoint! If satisfaction asks assist bit to leave a message,pay close attention to, it is OK to have any problems about dog dog illicit letter I get satisfactory solution, your support is my greatest power. Thank!

Actually this thing if we change to say the likelihood can be distinct effect, daughter accident falls into water, maternal diving deliverance loves female, dog dog bank awaits hard. If come so,can be a touching story! Actually the individual feels maternal behavior really not proper is foolish even, the child that should not abandon oneself really jumps river go saving the dog that says oneself, but think carefully, the meeting that some moment people are impulse makes a few act that violate common sense according to instinct, we can assume, if make the child falls into water at that time,I also believe what maternal lake also hesitates none to jump down to help a person, this itself is a kind of reflecting to love, the mother is mere because the thing is het-up at that time, be eager to because of what oneself dog falls into water wanting to go deliverance and the overreaction of generation.

But on the contrary, the mother is in at that time is a practice however too the extreme is foolish, rescue them below the her should sober case that wants to if where,should assure dog and oneself and child safety above all, rescueing them to the dog below the condition that does not ignore the child completely is a madness, change do me to affirm won't, above all I can remember me still having a child, having an individual again is duck of a drought, if jump down to save a dog, the dog did not save the likelihood oneself with respect to die! So my or does not save otherwise to be able to consider other measure, this mother may not know exception problem of sex of a common sense, swimming to major dog dog is natural instinct, although also won't be met before,arouse after fall into water, so affirmation won't drown, and I notice those who jump to dog dog is him, it also is not fool, if oneself won't swim him also won't fool goes euqally bring about one's own destruction, because want to play,jumping is for certain sleep, do you say to be opposite?

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