The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Tang Xuan an administrative unit in Xizang bestows favor on slope of Ma Wei of fall from the sky or outer space of life of high-ranked imperial concubine of poplar of the wife of a prince, this story does not know to cause Gu Jin the chant of guest of Chinese ink of how many bookman. Nevertheless chant puts in chant 's charge,

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Also do Yang Guifei is finally a home to return to became outstanding issue of through the ages, the your work of old paean " bewitching cat is passed " also joined high-ranked imperial concubine the mystery big fight of life and death, the commonnest view, it is Yang Guifei hang dead Yu Mawei slope,

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

No matter Guan Xiu history record is new old " Tang Shu " or Tang Ren writes " national history fills " have similar view. " endowment control a warning " in account is more detailed. After rebel army killed Yang Guozhong, farther Tang Xuan forcing the king or emperor to abdicate ancestor, must grant dead Yang Guifei. Nevertheless all sorts of history did not write detail place to begin to play a way. " old Tang Shu " say she dies at family hall for worshipping Buddha in, " national history fills " with Song Chuanji " pass outside Yang Taizhen " say she dies under pear tree. Do not cross Chen Yin scrupulously and respectfully the gentleman is in " Yuan Baishi annotation solicits contributinos " in come out to make a face.

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Say Yang Guifei dies below pear tree probable it is to suffer Bai Juyi " pear Hua Yizhi spring hairtail " line influence. Of Liu Yu Xi " Ma Wei goes " in say Yang Guifei swallow gold again and die.

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

And everybody is more familiar " song length hate " more empty shakes one gun, say directly " do not see Yu Yan be in to death for nothing " the meaning says not to know. Tang Chuanji " song length hate is passed " useful history technique of writing is euphemistic express, tang Xuan an administrative unit in Xizang cannot bear at that time the heart sees Yang Guifei die, make so of person change and go, that is to say Yang Guifei is arrived to go somewhere else by arrangement Tibet. Visible everybody not dare guarantee says Yang Guifei is dead really at that time. And in Taiwan scholar Wei Juxian " the Chinese discovers America " in

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Still appeared more bizarre view, his textual research gives Yang Guifei to be not Yu Mawei slope dead, take however went to America. As time elapse, the dead law about Yang Guifei is more and more complex. Nevertheless the case looks at that time, yang Guifei is to die surely really undoubted, eunuch of You Xuanzong period Gaolishi is nuncupative make up those who write " pass outside Gaolishi " in say, yang Guifei suffers Yang Guozhong to sit repeatedly, can't not make the same score popular indignation to death. Just had Bai Juyi so that paragraph " 6 army do not send but why, as if turn die before moth eyebrow horse " .

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Also the person be benefited that somebody thinks mutiny of Ma Wei slope is the biggest is prince plum go smoothly, because the Later Tang Dynasty is before long black,Zong Jiao must not have canonical numerous with respect to give up the throne. So whole episode forcing the king or emperor to abdicate can regard as the plot that prince plum go smoothly is capturing political power and engineers. And it is dead at that time that Japan has kind of view be not Yang Guifei, ban at that time army ceremony of command Chen Xuan has pity on beauty of Yang Guifei appearance to cannot bear kill her, mix then Gaolishi is put-up make lady-in-waiting acting die. Convoy poplar high-ranked imperial concubine goes to sea, went to Japan long ferry.

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

" part of Japanese history fun " in still be like those who have its thing to say: Be in with respect to bury after Yang Guifei is dead long ferry inside 2 honour courtyards, place returns in store to regard Yang Guifei as 5 rounds of towers of the grave. Consecrate is worn two honour deny resemble or Tang Xuan an administrative unit in Xizang sends the past to comfort Yang Guifei. Even before some year hearsay says

The history decodes | Yang Guifei to die after all, actually under cover is so much unbeknown secret

Mountain pass the offspring that 100 benefit are Yang Guifei. Next no matter Yang Guifei is final whereaboutldirection how, it is to install Shi Zhi after all of random right dispute taste for the blame.

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