Chronic gastritis often is treated bad, check gallbladder please.

Doctor Li, my chronic gastritis often is treated bad, have bit of fat thing a little, abdomen goes up, aching even. Used stimulative digestive remedy. The result is bad also. What reason be after all?

At that time you had better check gallbladder, the most convenient way does B to exceed an examination namely. Because patient of a lot of stomach trouble also often is accompanied,have cystic problem. E.g. gall-stone and chronic cholecystitis. When gall-stone and cholecystitis break out. Can appear dyspeptic, see the stodge feels queasy, ministry of belch, abdominal distension, stomach is glowing, feel even right on the abdomen is durative aching, and ache is more than, bear hard, this often is mixed a few symptoms of chronic stomach trouble are very similar, so a lot of people think his old stomach trouble made. Him castration inn buys gastric medicine to treat. Remedial effect often bad, and the optimal cure time of cystic disease, so, always feel when you " stomach trouble " long treat when healing, must consider cystic disease, look for a doctor to help you be diagnosed, digestive physician can help you.

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