"6.9 " during the world approbates day of arrival, examine detect orgnaization acceptance does not

"6.9 " during the world approbates day of arrival, examine detect orgnaization acceptance does not give false report

Metropolis Daily of 3 the Qin Dynasty - dispatch of net of 3 the Qin Dynasty (reporter Zhang Wei) do not forge an environment to examine absolutely detect data; do not issue absolutely examine phonily detect report; accepts a society actively to supervise... . . "6.9 " during the world approbates the arrival of day, on June 8, organization of substation of Dong Xincheng of Feng of bureau of Xi'an city qualitative inspect begins environmental quality inspection to detect orgnaization activity of sincere letter acceptance, 5 environments quality inspection detects below the testimony that the representing of the orgnaization waits for relevant personnel in committee member of delegate of National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, strengthen management, justice to detect earnest acceptance, express to will be fulfilled with the action " ironhanded treat haze? Guard blue sky " the job, consciousness of aggrandizement industry self-discipline and sincere letter acceptance.

Examine as independent tripartite detect orgnaization, a company is in obtained examine detect after orgnaization aptitude holds certificate, basically be engaged in water and waste gas, indoor air, noise, soil waiting for 325 to detect business, company vise general manager closes Lei to express in the spot, will rise ceaselessly examine detect ability and quality, assure to be offerred for everybody efficient and high grade detect service, issue for the society accurate and examine effectively detect data. Retain as motor vehicle increase of the quantity quickly, the tail gas of motor vehicle discharges pollution to already became the main source that air pollutes. How does Xi'an amount to equipment to install all inspection to measure Song Bo of general manager of limited company of science and technology to express, discharge inspection agency as motor vehicle, should answer actively more " ironhanded treat haze? Guard blue sky " the job, consciousness of aggrandizement industry self-discipline, perfect construction of sincere letter system, the improvement of quality of stimulative city ambient air.

The basis is affirmatory, will examine to issued environment detect data, result is responsible; Do not forge an environment to examine absolutely detect data, do not issue absolutely examine phonily detect report; Do not be engaged in what existence interest concerns examining detect activity, do not participate in any having caustic examines detect independent character and the social activity that sincere letter spends, do not accept the interpose with interest of individual relation, economy, administration or other impertinent side.

Area under administration of Feng Dong Xincheng has 26 to examine detect orgnaization, xi'an city pledges Xu Jiagang of director of substation of Dong Xincheng of inspect bureau Feng says, environmental quality inspection detects the orgnaization is processing, ironhanded to strengthening environmental protection, air pollution treat the job such as haze to have important safeguard effect, he asks, should strengthen superintendency service, promote normative innovation development. Responsibility of main body of industry of book of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, ensure justice detects, honest be as good as one's word; In the meantime, play society controls power, supervise and urge its perform social duty.

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