Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

Come as the summer, accident of car spontaneous combustion also enters tall hair gradually period, believe some people had seen following occasion:

Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

Many people feel regretful to this, this but well a car! Do bad to still meet a person!

Strange nevertheless is: People feels very regretful on one hand, do not think this kind of thing can happen on his car again however on the other hand. Little imagine, sorching summer, high temperature indulge in wilful persecution, you if carelessly the following 3 things, the car that makes bad where him day can face with imminet disaster really likely still!

Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

Danger is placed to taste inside the car

We live daily medium lighter, perfume, rub the silk hazard that can constitute car fire actually is tasted. If we place these article,be especially inside the car is easy by the position of focusing of sun's rays line, cause fire very easily. Accordingly, answer before locking up a car inside postmortem railroad car, do not keep these dangerous goods, cannot put the dangerous oil such as benzine, derv to taste more.

Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

Jockey optional location is undeserved

Equip commonly as a result of the car that produces now reactor of 3 yuan of catalysis, and this device temperature that is located in vent-pipe to go up is very high, average temperature comes in 300 ℃ 400 ℃ , so once right now car bottom has tinderbox, very will easy be ignited by device of 3 yuan of catalysis, bring about spontaneous combustion of car on fire thereby. The environment below the car must notice when jockeying so.

Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

Problem of circuit, oil path

The car starts the electrical wiring inside engine room particularly much, once some electrical wiring are isolated from leather damaged or ageing then the word of leakage of electricity is breakneck. In addition, need is special the problem that notes leak, engine cabin this with respect to temperature on the high side, add course high temperature to insolate, if catch up with ageing of car oil path again,leak at this moment oily, cause spontaneous combustion very easily. Because this circuit, oil path wants to had made regular inspection, nip in the bud.

Summer carelessly these 3 things, car may spontaneous combustion!

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