On the west sufficient assist chairman: Firing Luopeiteji is must, cannot tolerate his behavior

On the west sufficient assist chairman: Firing Luopeiteji is must, cannot tolerate his behavior

The tiger attacks dispatch Spain is sufficient on June 13 assist chairman rupee the decision that Yalaisi announces understanding to employ Luopeiteji on the press conference, decide to this subsequently, spain is sufficient assist the chairman explains: "We think as special as Luo Pei now auspicious end an agreement is must, I did not feel to suffer Luopeiteji betray, because he regards a country as the team advocate handsome during, the work that does is very outstanding. But we still should fire him, play because of his means is not acceptability. Play because of his means is not acceptability..

Rupee Yalaisi complements: "Luopeiteji is an occupational coach, but his processing means on this thing is incorrect. Spain is sufficient assist it is not to allow oneself employee to negotiate with other club under the counter, just tell content with one's lot in before formal Guan Xuan 5 minutes next assist, this is our place is flagrant. This is our place is flagrant..

Yalaisi also expresses rupee oneself had done with everybody communicate: "I had been communicated with everybody, no matter be player or coach. I and player people the concern that still has a train is very harmonious, we also admit Luopeiteji is a top class coach. But what we cannot accept is him play behavior, he cannot issue ability before announcing a result next with other negotiation 5 minutes to tell us in the case that did not signal us. He cannot issue ability before announcing a result next with other negotiation 5 minutes to tell us in the case that did not signal us..

Yalaisi did not disclose rupee Spain holds the post of newly advocate handsome person selected: "We had not decided next allowing now advocate handsome, we can reduce the effect that this thing brings to team as far as possible. Once decide new handsome, we are met fair at numerous. We fall at a very difficult unfavorable situation now, nevertheless I also believe firmly, what the Spanish coach group that holds the post of newly can lead team to go on current cup contest is farther. What the Spanish coach group that holds the post of newly can lead team to go on current cup contest is farther..

Be worth what carry is, the reporter enquires attendant Spain why to ask in the player Luopeiteji fires him below the circumstance of remain in office for many times, rupee Yalaisi's answer is: "His action has a problem, just cannot tell us the result in before Guan Xuan 5 minutes. What we hope Luopeiteji can guide us to go of course is farther, but thing already so far, we must take action. We must take action..

To the effect that emperor horse produces in this matter, yalaisi expresses rupee: "I can say to the doing it doesn't matter of emperor horse, they are searched advocate handsome behavior does not have a problem, the problem goes in just cannot tell us the result in before Guan Xuan 5 minutes. National group is the team of our Spain everybody, the world cup is the mainest competition, we must want to make best decision. We must want to make best decision..

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