Go alone president of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct: The agree surp

Go alone president of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct:

Direct seeding on June 5 dispatch Dalasi goes alone Tang Ni of president of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct - the condition that the NBA this year spoke of picking show and team when Nielsen is attending KTCK 1310AM broadcasting station to interview.

Speak of Lu Ka - east the agree is strange

I had seen this sports season many times his match, I am not unfamiliar to European market, we pay close attention to him to have period of time, his expression is in a lot of respects are unprecedented. The agree surprises east the achievement dispute that in him this age place wins often is not Chang Han to see, it is to be in royal Madrid club not only, still have follow national group wins team history champion of the first Europe.

Speak of east the agree surprises to whether attend anthology beautiful

Becoming you is east Qijina is planted the player of level, in emperor horse the NBA team of edition of this kind of Europe plays a ball game, money is not a problem any more, the problem is when you get ready, no matter be Lu Ka - east the agree is strange, still be us in those days the Dirk of pitch on. Dirk is very young still at that time, should compare present east the agree is strange big one year old, but when his body condition ready when can producing consequence, he thinks of NBA to play a ball game. Although Dirk is inside the first year when land NBA,resemble a doll same by cruel, his body still is in development. There still is doubt of Zhuge Zaizhi of a few after the events at that time whether did he make right choice, whether to arrive too early of NBA and so on. I believe Lu Ka is experiencing same process. Whether does he go up in the body ready? Be in Europe many dozens be two years better? Very apparent the decision that place of the family that this is he and him, his mother and his agent Billy Duffy should make. I decide them to be able to consider all options in right time.

Speak of east the agree surprises to whether had made preparation for NBA

Without doubt. Only question is here it is a completely different level, although the greatest Europe player also wants a flower,suit to two years of time. Dirk spent two years of time, he is the greatest in the player to come to the Europe of NBA without doubt. So if his cannot help doing this thing, can he choose to be waited for more one year? This is his own problem. Is he ready? Yes. Whether can he encounter defend the challenge of end? Whether is he met dash against Xin Xiuqiang? He will face the strongest player in alliance, 2 in alliance, 3 be killer level. Apparent he meets those who experience one level suit period.

Speak of take the 5th suitable pick excellent advantageous position

"Be such, good news is to have a lot of we feel very special to good player can choose. Almost everybody thinks Ai Du is Number One Scholar, before next one pile player can exceed for certain 5, before Yuan Chao passes 5, we are very good to this feeling.

Speak of go alone whether can a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct consider to trade pick excellent advantageous position

I do not think we can trade pick excellent advantageous position. We are right with Dennis - the young player that Smith heads feels excited, breath out Reese at the same time - Barnes gradually Cong Deke had received torch in the hand and the role that assumes a cacique. We are very glad to get another young and the Xin Xiulai of influential force joins a lineup.

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