Son head of Dong Mingzhu spends exposure! Legal Master graduates, 34 years old still take a walk wit

Cannon model puts Cui Yongyuan of this paragraph of time on the ice, say recreation encircles the thing of contract of size of yin and yang. Also be to make a lot of netizens not self-conscious of the ground think of Dong Mingzhu, if say to dark place has sun so Dong Mingzhu is the differ part of this sunshine probably, she needs those who lose to decrease most in say of the speak bluntly in the program is labour firewood estate, is not these wealthy people, wealthy person should pay tax more, resembling is difference of contractible the rich and the poor, earn duty of much node of so much money how, oneself most those who fear is evade taxation of wealthy person evade taxes, want a state powerful, do not make the word of duty as manufacturing industry, so what does the country take more powerful?

Son head of Dong Mingzhu spends exposure! Legal Master graduates, 34 years old still take a walk with Dong Mingzhu shake handshandle

These her words also are to make a lot of netizens very warm heart. In career respect, she can say the female strong person that is be worthy of, entered division force to become business director 1990. Began to hold the post of Inc. of electric equipment of Zhuhai division power to run ministry minister, vise general manager, assistant president in succession 1994. Be in in May 2012, be appointed to be president of division force group on October 18, 2016, dong Mingzhu assumes post of president of limited company of group of force of duty Zhuhai division, trustee, legal representative no longer.

Son head of Dong Mingzhu spends exposure! Legal Master graduates, 34 years old still take a walk with Dong Mingzhu shake handshandle

Continue to hold the position of president of Inc. of electric equipment of Zhuhai division power, president. On Feburary 6, 2017, forbes releases 2017 China pop chart of female of the most crackajack business circles, dong Mingzhu arranges the first place. In emotional respect Dong Mingzhu ever married fruit, but in 30 years old when, marital misfortune dies due to illness from now on later also did not remarry again, oneself take an eldest son single-handed, now already son of more than 30 years old is legal Master graduation Chongqing works now, whenever the festival is met,come back to accompany Dong Mingzhu, if he 34 years old still still is,with mom shake handshandle takes a walk.

Son head of Dong Mingzhu spends exposure! Legal Master graduates, 34 years old still take a walk with Dong Mingzhu shake handshandle

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