Conveniently is written down greet, want to those who do is not only " Zhang this " part

Conveniently is written down greet, want to those who do is not only " Zhang this " part

Finance of AI of net of thunder sharp edge is commented on on June 23 message, conveniently group " conveniently 8 years, beautiful overflow time " carnival of VIP of the whole people is held in Shenzhen, vermicelli made from bean starch of many 300 conveniently and conveniently group celebrated joyously birthday of her 8 one full year of life together in company headquarters.

Mobile begin, red of wool of expert of individual conduct financial transactions made the same score a doctor to share her to sum up on the news briefing " MYCFO fortune administers a law " , express to manage resource of domestic finance affairs, want to a pair of financial and a mind which perceives both past and future, investment observe ability of ability and life program not only, also want be apt to to use administrative tool and platform. After this, collect thinks of collection vice-president Zheng Zhiyong is to be everybody above all check the defect of financial product actor of a few kinds of popularity on market, shared the investment result of exponential fund for everybody, emphasized the principal port of reasonable when investing fund combination.

Notable is, wu Xiaohui of president of fortune of conveniently group vice president, conveniently was announced for everybody along with chamberlain, along with Club two new brands.

According to Bain Chinese personal fortune reported 2017, end by 2016, chinese individual can invest capital overall dimensions amounts to 165 trillion RMB, 2014-2016 is annual all compound increase rate is achieved 21% , among them: Can invest capital the amount of personage of high net value of above of RMB of 1 ten million reachs 1.58 million person, 2014-2016 is annual all compound increase rate is achieved 23% ; Hold of average per capita of crowd of high net value can invest asset to make an appointment with 31 million RMB, altogether hold can invest capital 49 trillion RMB. Meanwhile, below the big environment that upgrades in consumption, people can invest more time and money the promotion of self-discipline, in order to pursue more high quality way of life.

"We hope in be through new product, crowd of high net value is offerred custom-built change resource of intelligent finance affairs to run a service. " Wu Xiaohui expresses, as the rapid development of Chinese economy, gao Jing is worth in new in produce a family to occupy more compound than appearing in recent years model rapid growth, subsequently and the resource of domestic finance affairs that come runs requirement also more complication, need more custom-built the financial natural resources that change runs a service.

She points out, structure of current individual finance affairs complications quickly, invest trend general to transform to financial program mode from the supermarket mode that is a center with the price, the risk preference that is based on an user multidimensional spend data evaluate a result to come online offer asset management to serve.

Conveniently is written down greet, want to those who do is not only " Zhang this " part

Conveniently group also hatch of take advantage of an opportunity goes out " along with Club " , a high end is built to encircle a gregarious platform on the fundamental business framework such as investment conduct financial transactions, in order to begin salon, share a series of activities such as the meeting, the major that offers more investment and asset configuration to go up for the member is directive.

Comment of finance of AI of Lei Feng net notices, monitor according to watching data easily, the investment conduct financial transactions this year April kind the month in APP is Beijing before vivid user dimensions 3 times east finance, conveniently is written down and ant fortune; And this year the conduct financial transactions of Chinese charge to an account first quarter kind the market, conveniently is written down with user dimensions with when the user is used, growing two data are resided firmly the first.

Undoubted, regular charge to an account conduces to an user arranging data of individual finance affairs, state of grain clear property, develop budgetary habit, raise consumption to control capacity, increase financial keep then, have in the market very big one part person has demand of charge to an account. In activity of charge to an account the shift that finish is changed migratory later, demand of upriver charge to an account drove downstream economy demand, charge to an account kind applied have the aid of is high frequency tool of charge to an account provides service of conduct financial transactions for the user. This " along with chamberlain " and " along with Club " roll out, the domain of financial banking modes of life and relation to their environment that also means conveniently market is more complete, the setting of financial finance demand that appearance of more of farther contented user changes.

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