A list of names posted up of archer of Lu card library the first, number of C collect goal and the f

A list of names posted up of world cup archerA list of names posted up of archer of Lu card library the first, number of C collect goal and the first keep balance, mei Xi is low confuse reason exposure

A list of names posted up of world cup archer is Belgian this year twice Mei Kaier asks Lukaku vessel archer a list of names posted up the first, number of C collect goal and Lukaku keep balance to nod ball tabernacle pop chart because of the 2nd Lu. Blocking library, C collect is current world cup undoubtedly two the most competitive to golden boots award players. The team cuts tertiary Russia Lishefu starts from the reserve, the result that to Russia brunt two matches present 3 balls is sure confirm a word " it is gold total meeting gives off light! The result that to Russia brunt two matches present 3 balls is sure confirm a word " it is gold total meeting gives off light!!

The Ma Er inside Brazilian star is in this second hit into one ball only at present on the world cup, be anxious for Brazilian group position, the pressure of an unexpected winner also may cause an effect to Neimaer this year, neimaer is kicked into this second world by tear shed excitedly after the first ball. Meixi ased if " costar " touch a ball 20 times 7 times to pass a ball 1 times shoot, we are unthinkable the bear on Mei Xi body how many pressure, but this expression is inferior to person meaning really or hope plum can stand up on the west, mei Xi is browbeaten with lubricious interest government, the likelihood is him low confused the biggest reason.

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