" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destro

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

After the university entrance exam ends

The most important thing is fill in a form and submit it to the leadership volunteer

Once choose a fault the school

Not only all one's previous efforts wasted

Also can hold a regret all the time

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

Filling in so volunteer when

Must sharpen one's eyes

Escape is false the deceit of the university

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

Before paragraph time, certain somebody by " university of Wuhan classics trade " news brushs screen. Website page borroweds in great quantities " university of Heibei classics trade " .

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

So the website that does not take a heart, let a person very quickly look for see clue, be done to close by letter of Heibei province net thereby stop.

But how can the fraud of the college have this one only, website of another false institute of Wuhan classics trade also is closed to stop.

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

Many netizens express: Fill in a form and submit it to the leadership is volunteer must sharpen one's eyes, was not confused eye.

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

A few audacious convict are being hit avowedly " 985 " the banner of key university, wait for propagandist instrument with website, phone, mail, short message, cheat the parent and examinee.

And meet of mix the false with the genuine send admission notice to the student, and let examinee tuition is paid on the website, later period has very big may contribution and escape.

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

Not only our country, enter oneself for an examination of foreign university also want to notice, very much false university is impure also among them.

18 years in January, stage of BBC broadcasting television investigates discovery, numerous Englishman is in " diploma mill " bought false record of formal schooling.

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

British Ministry of Education expresses, adopting " decisive action, blow degree is con " . Claim this is to be in " the learner with true deceit "

Same, a New Zealand " false university " be cancelled because of study quality, bring about many China student studying abroad nescient can go up and lawful and resident status is not protected.

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!

How to discern false mountain fastness university

1, see website domain name. The domain name of college government website of the country is suffixal it is " .edu.cn " , false university is to use " .com " or " .oip " or " .cn " .

2, the school news of false university website, announcement, do not update all the year round commonly.

3, on list and list of new approval school check the colleges and universities that Ministry of Education announces to know. Get recruit students ad, take a heart more! Do not be at ease really optional also choose makes an on-the-spot investigation on the spot to the school directly.

4, see managerial time. "False university " managerial time is short, some 9 years, some 35 years, without tradition and culture details. The American campus quality that establishs time more than 70 years normally is higher, more reliable. Conversely false university can live to very short time can come to the light and must close down only or more renown.

5, visit education establishment and education site. Average college has room of building of classroom, administration, library, computer, playground to wait. And " false university " hardware is deployed extremely finite, some is flat the house is rented in business affairs building, the equipment that some revealing is very few, looking to know is " burnt " come out.

6, " false university " professional and special stricture, what to basically heat up on the market, with respect to open what is professional.

7, pedagogic resource relies on foreign aids, the pedagogic origin of the school basically is fair managerial school teacher " take acupuncture point " . Come up against such school, the student wants a look before you leap for certain.

8, when intermediary is publicized special commercialize, use even " experienced booth type " sale shift. Alleged adviser is commonly used " this school what is good; Assure to be able to emigrate; Read it is very easy to rise " wait for a language to come agitate student.

9, recruit students standard " rove " . The school when Zhang Bang is announced asks obviously very tall, but smooth equational reluctance of the student is enough 60, elegant think of achievement to still be less than 5, intermediary however glibly promise says to do not have a problem, agree to will surely go up.

10, to earn more tuition, "False university " the study setting that can consider a student far from and particular case, however ill will plans a lot of course. After Ceng Youxue lays enter a school, was arranged continuously course of language courses, certificate course, diploma course, record of formal schooling, paid the tuition of high specified number, just be arranged to enter formal courses.

Remind a student, when you discovery wants the school that go, have language course already, have again promote this curriculum only, again undergraduate course course waits, be about to take a heart. Generally speaking, normal university has undergraduate course and Master course only.

Small make up remind

Choice university, fill in a form and submit it to the leadership is volunteer

Must choose official approach

Check carefully school square information

Do not be deceived

False university large exposure

" remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream! " remind " vigilant! Do not let pass away the sham as the genuine of false college website, destroyed your university dream!
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