Do not have the Chinese cabbage that thinks of you often eat, contain after decay virulent, must tak

Pick of content contest season survival of the fittest, the mankind is the top that stands in food chain in this nature, pass a few all ages fumble, discovered a few cate, also discovered a lot of poisonous food at the same time, but a lot of people return noxiousness of these 3 kinds of alimental is not to understand very much, we look together today, what food looks be like without social effects of pollution, however contain is worn virulent.

Do not have the Chinese cabbage that thinks of you often eat, contain after decay virulent, must take care edible

The first gemmiparous potato, the person that has common sense of a bit life a little knows, sprout tomato patch cannot edible, but be everybody knows why cannot edible? It is gemmiparous part cannot edible, whole still potato cannot edible, look downward then

Do not have the Chinese cabbage that thinks of you often eat, contain after decay virulent, must take care edible

Deposit time to grow too tomato patch, hurried germinate, in the place that sprouts tomato patch, meeting generation is very much enzymatic, this kind enzymatic can make potato generation is offerred one kind gemmiparous growth material, it is in this process, can produce a kind of Long Kui's alkaline toxin, this kind of alkaloid can spur gastric mucous membrane and alvine talk, have paralytic effect to breathing centre, still can cause oedema, common symptom is pharynx and larynx has calcination feeling, sao is urticant, perhaps appear the phenomenon that have vomit and diarrhea, still can cause heart failure badly, cause sudden death.

Do not have the Chinese cabbage that thinks of you often eat, contain after decay virulent, must take care edible

The 2nd is balloonfish, had seen a movie, heroine is Zhou Dongyu, after edible balloonfish is undeserved, appear on the spot psychedelic, be off one's head, appear of this kind of circumstance into appetite not should big, but the toxin of balloonfish is quite fierce, the balloonfish toxin of unit weight, be equivalent to cyaniding natrium to the harm of human body 1 more than 1000 times, the balloonfish toxin of insufficient 1mg can let your one life Hu Wu, although balloonfish flesh is beautiful, but use must careful edible, of special attention is balloonfish is splanchnic, must clear clean, regret to have not enough time otherwise.

Do not have the Chinese cabbage that thinks of you often eat, contain after decay virulent, must take care edible

The 3rd kind is the commonnest, also a lot of people do not know, that deposits the Chinese cabbage that decays for long namely, this kind of phenomenon is very much person be accustomed to sth, do not know to many nitrite is contained in the Chinese cabbage that decays in this kind however, ate this kind of Chinese cabbage to be able to be brought about headache, giddy, disgusting, abdominal distension, return badly the meeting is insensible. Discover without a lot of people toxic because of this, because cook in the home,be when this kind of Chinese cabbage meets meet unexpectedly refuse, but a few communal dining rooms, do not have however so attentive, put in how many times a bit, still suggest him everybody cooks in the home so the meeting is a bit safer.

Still what food can be caused toxic, welcome everybody to leave a message in comment area interactive. 3 kinds of common food, edible is undeserved can bring about however toxic, return meeting death badly, a lot of people do not know

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