The world " dog of the ugliest dog " contest, pink fingernail + tusk, british bullfight dog gains

The world " dog of the ugliest dog " contest, pink fingernail + tusk, british bullfight dog gains the championship

▲ Sha Sha is having a random tooth to follow often tongue, gutty however " Chou Meng " glamour.

Area of American san Francisco bay is held 23 days the world is the ugliest 2018 dog dog contest, finally by 9 years old of big Sha Sha (Zsa Zsa) , come from Minnesota An Nuo get stuck only (Anoka) British bullfight dog carries off champion. The master Bulannade of Sha Sha (Megan Brainard) because of shellfish of the stone of a dog's gall bladder " exceed try to make a good showing " , help her gain 1500 dollars (make an appointment with new station money 5000 yuan 40 thousand) bonus, it is being held in the arms to laugh at to one's heart's content on the stage.

According to England " daily Post " report, " the world is the ugliest dog dog contest " Ma stayed in shellfish tower last night (Petaluma) Suonuoma - Marlin (Sonoma-Marin) outdoor pleasure ground spreads out. Come from each district only only " Chou Meng " dog, in this year pet " anthology ugly " appear on the match, reveal their faulty part to everybody, body of some dogs dog does not have wool almost, some one face is being spat lackadaisically grow long tongue. They are being pulled by host had walked along red carpet, hand in again finally by aside evaluate round grading.

The world " dog of the ugliest dog " contest, pink fingernail + tusk, british bullfight dog gains the championship

▲ has won greatly small " dog of the ugliest dog " award " sweet beans " , the regret is defeated by driving adversary this year.

This year take part in the match the battle array is quite wonderful, include to ever was taken below many " dog of the ugliest dog " the blue eye of champion mixes kind of dog " sweet beans " (Rascal Deux) , it is Chinese aigret dog and auspicious baby mix kind, the messy Bai Mao that carrying fascia on the head attends a war; The hamburger of bovine head dog with leg wrinkled ministry (Meatloaf) ; Famous still cry cruel walk along A Sheng (Wild Thang) poodle; And the dog dog Himisaboo that carrying Pang Kefeng hairstyle on the head. Of course, hefted 57 kilograms last year, because the pine breaks down,break down cheek and winning Naboli mastiff dog Martha (Martha) also arrived the spot.

Pass contend one time, the world is the ugliest 2018 dog dog by taking messy tooth, hanging down to exceed long-tongued head, besmear is worn pink fingernail, the Sha of Sha of British bullfight dog that looks like a small giant gains the championship, the Shikanpu that runner-up and Ji Jun twine together by systemic wool respectively (Scamp) and the Josh of systemic bald (Josie) obtain.

Contest of dog of the ugliest dog has stridden the world the 30th year this year, past is all the time in 5 hold, but sponsor an unit to be watched to attract more audience to show up this year, specially changes religious service 6 hold.

▼ Sha Sha carries off 2018 worlds are the ugliest champion of dog dog contest, let master Bulannade had felt gratified.

The world " dog of the ugliest dog " contest, pink fingernail + tusk, british bullfight dog gains the championship

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