Nanyang city feeds medical inspect bureau to lie provision of dragon substation safeguard is safe

Nanyang city feeds medical inspect bureau to lie provision of dragon substation safeguard is safe


Dragon vacates Nanyang dispatch a few days ago, supervisory management board of city food medicines and chemical reagents lies dragon substation begins board and lodging of examinee of the action in area under administration to nod meal to serve food safety to check, seasonable platoon is checked, eliminate all sorts of food safety hidden danger, ensure safety of food of broad teachers and students with all one's strength.

Supervisory management board of city food medicines and chemical reagents lies dragon substation organization executes the law personnel 48 people, to 28 meal inside area under administration the service recieves an unit to undertake hidden trouble platoon investigates food safety. The bill of fare that offers to school dining room and hotel restaurant undertakes be checkupped strictly, put an end to violate plan treatment to design gemmiparous and kidney bean, unripe bright day lily, paly potato, mold erubescent potato, feral bacterium and the behavior such as the cold dish that make carry out, food safety accident risk falls lowest. During building the action in perfecting to take an exam, each nod safeguard unit meal to serve food safety surely accident lash-up handles a mechanism, formulate lash-up deals with beforehand case, establish lash-up to handle a team, deploy must lash-up handles goods, once produce sudden event,ensure, can answer quickly, appropriate deals with; Arrangement person specially assigned for a task 24 hours of lash-up are on duty phone and complain inform against a phone " 12331 " expedite, deal with in time the report of masses and complain, the dietary repast that ensures broad teachers and students with all one's strength is safe.

Reporter of entire media of group of medium of Nanyang cable industry is rural reporter Liu Jun

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