Guo of bulletin | Xi Lin straps alliance: Report typical case 6 cases

Guo of bulletin | Xi Lin straps alliance: Report typical case 6 cases

Corruption of 3 domains that help deficient up and case of style problem model

The banner checks 1. A Baga dry nub presses down Wurigenwendourilegacha arris, Cha Changmeng mixes Batujihu of Party branch secretary Bi Li. Came 2013 2014, wurigenwendourilegachashi uses the development that help deficient up " whole village is advanced " the project is impoverished an authorized job, check Ba Tuji of Party branch secretary Hu Lenghe checks long the first month and Bilige to did not hold herdsman plenary meeting, privately decision allocates the ox that help deficient up other herd door, will not help deficient ox key up to cast by the requirement to poverty door and can give aid to impoverished brim door. On May 6, 2018, a Baga banner checks dry nub to press down discipline appoint give Batujihu arris, the first month and Bilige respectively within the party punishment of warning.

2. Su Ni is especially right division specified number benevolence the graph checks nub brazilwood Ji Hulang actor kisses Hasijijige of Party branch secretary large friendly issue. Came 2015 2017, tugachashi applies Ji Hulang help deficient up " 3 to the village 3 to door " project, check Hasijijige of Party branch secretary jobbery actor kisses thick friend, make Bi Mou of its elder brother (had taken off deficient 2014) enjoyed 15 mothers kid 2015 (every 500 yuan) , enjoyed capital of 1050 yuan of share out bonus 2017 give aid to, aggregate amount 8550 yuan. On April 18, 2018, discipline of west division of Su Ni spy appoint give Hasijijige within the party punishment of warning.

3. sets yellow flag treasure Gedayingaolesumudou Japan Hudougagacha Burenbayaer of Party branch secretary. Was in 2014 begin identify alliance class in poverty door job, the circumstance that Burenbayaer of Party branch secretary was not holding Hudougagacha to check herdsman to represent the conference issues Japan, hold directly check " two appoint " the conference, the Na Mou that decides to will not accord with poverty door standard at that time some (the nephew of wife of cloth benevolence Ba Yaer) bring into poverty door. On May 30, 2018, set yellow flag record appoint give Burenbayaer within the party punishment of warning.

Guo of bulletin | Xi Lin straps alliance: Report typical case 6 cases

3 " wild goose depilates too " case of model of type corruption issue

In black of banner of Mu Qin of 1. Dong Wuzhu corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs of frontal Er honest checks elegant Si Taizhen secretary of former Party branch problem of allowance of careless field of collective of embezzle of Bi Yatu. During Biyatu holds the position of corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs of frontal Er honest to check Party branch secretary, use a post embezzle came 2014 the railroad that collective grass field checks during 2015 asks for ground allowance to add up to 83868.45 yuan. On May 15, 2018, discipline of banner of Dong Wuzhu Mu Qin appoint give Biyatu disciplinary action of discharge party membership.

2. too the person such as Wang Chengjiang of secretary of Party branch of village of pointed temple of north of town of red flag of banner of fall forward temple is covered take food problem of straight filling capital. Came 2008 2015, wang Chengjiang of secretary of Party branch of village of boreal pointed temple, village appoint conference chairman Wang Xiaozhou, village appoint one company original owner holds the post of Cao Duo of former secretary of Party branch of meeting accountant Li Chang, village, village Du Fuxing, village, use motor-driven ground to cover take, farmland of make a false report mu the means of several diddle adds up to set take food straight filling capital 271267 yuan, earning money is used at reaching a company chairman pay and village share daily expenses. Among them, capital of business accounting of enter an item in an account 127835 yuan; Not capital of business accounting of enter an item in an account 143432 yuan, wait for 4 people by Wang Chengjiang, Cao Duo, Li Chang, Wang Xiaozhou respectively detinue. On May 2, 2018, too discipline of banner of fall forward temple appoint give Wang Chengjiang, Wang Xiaozhou, Cao Duo, Li Chang disciplinary action of discharge party membership, give Du Fuxing, Du You, Ma Bing within the party serious punishment of warning, too inspect of banner of fall forward temple appoint be suspected of embezzling guilty issue to move to Wang Chengjiang, Wang Xiaozhou, Li Chang send procuratorial work mechanism to examine sue.

Zoology of prairie of precinct of lid of 3. corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs executes the law integratedly bureau of Mu Ren of team leader of a large body of, education is aided learn central original owner to hold the post of Zhang Jianbao to violate compasses examine and approve ban issue of allowance of higher education of children of a pasturing area. In May 2012, zoology of prairie of precinct of lid of corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs executes the law integratedly Muren of team leader of a large body of and educational bureau are aided learn central original owner to hold the post of Zhang Jianbao, in Cui Mou some does not accord with the situation that stands condition of children of a pasturing area to fall, violate for its compasses examine and approve ban allowance of higher education of children of a pasturing area 15 thousand yuan. On April 3, 2018,

Guo of bulletin | Xi Lin straps alliance: Report typical case 6 casesGuo of bulletin | Xi Lin straps alliance: Report typical case 6 cases

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