Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuous

Western net dispatch from yesterday (on June 25) begin, shaanxi shows weather of big range rainfall, bureau ground appears big rainstorm, shaanxi province starts calamity of significant meteorological phenomena (rainstorm) Ⅳ class lash-up is answered. Western head of net, Shaanxi pay close attention to continuously.

[Shaanxi saves observatory on June 25 16 when 30 minutes of forecast]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

In 28 days of Shaanxi the south maintains precipitation weather 25 days, the central Shaanxi plain is upper 25 days night, Chinese ground of bureau of ministry of Chinese and Western has torrential rain (20-40mm) , the cloudy day austral south of 26 days of North Shaanxi, the central Shaanxi plain, short for Shaanxi Province has small to moderate rain.

[Shaanxi province starts calamity of significant meteorological phenomena (rainstorm) Ⅳ class lash-up is answered]

City weather bureau enters the He Hanzhong austral chicken of Yan'an, copper plain, treasure, Xian Yang, short for Weihe River (rainstorm) Ⅳ class lash-up answers condition, do lash-up of weather of good torrential rain to serve. Bureau of weather of city of the others ground strengthens weather to monitor forecast early-warning, sentence according to grinding actually start corresponding lash-up in time to answer.

[province observatory on June 26 02 when issue signal of rainstorm orange early-warning 05 minutes]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

Predict to did not come 3 hours, ning Jiang, summary this world, always birthday, honest is changed, cupreous plain, Tong closes, add up to fall of villages and towns of part of churchyard of in relief, settleclear city to be able to amount to 50mm, notice to be on guard please.

[Chinese in city observatory on June 26 03 when issue signal of rainstorm red early-warning 30 minutes]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

Fall of strong county wide level ground coulded there be to already amounted to 100mm in 3 hour Chinese in the past, predicting future 3 hours of precipitation will still last.

[Shaanxi saves observatory on June 26 06 when remove 45 minutes signal of rainstorm orange early-warning]

[on June 25 6 when wait to 26 days of 6 Shi Weihe upper reaches and affluent appear flood]

On June 25 6 when to 26 days 6 when, shaanxi saves dispersive sex rainfall to last, greater part of the south in Yan'an, the central Shaanxi plain and Chinese in heavy rain arrives in falling, bureau ground appears big rainstorm.

Save what station of 2081 place regimen is more than 25 millimeter to have 377 stations completely. The rainfall that is more than 50 millimeter appears in 24 counties such as county of county of Ning Jiang, Gan Quan, Gansu, appropriate plain, summary this world, Bin, Luo Na (area) .

Prefectural area is before the biggest rainfall 3 times respectively: An Ping stands (Ning Jiang) 210.4 millimeter, gan Quan (Yan'an) 90.6 millimeter, new market plain (Gansu county) 86 millimeter.

Suffer rainfall to affect, affluent of part of upper reaches of upper reaches of river of upper reaches of river of short for Weihe River and affluent, short for the Jinghe River, fine hill river, Hanjiang goes out to flood now. Among them columbine station of stone river parrot 25 days of 17:5134m3/s of discharge of 4 flood peak; Rain of equestrian lotus river falls level ground stands 25 days 17:5134 M3/s of discharge of 4 flood peak; Child midday river two bayou stand 25 days 22:4148m3/s of discharge of 8 flood peak. Main Jiang He controls station flow: 602m3/s of station of door of Yellow River dragon, 128m3/s of station of 470m3/s of station of stone of develop of river of short for Weihe River, China county, hanjiang white river stands 1400m3/s.

Rainfall of real time water reachs integration analysis likelihood rainfall, forecast future 24 hours inside, river of trunk stream of river of trunk stream of dry affluent of fine hill river, Hanjiang and partial affluent, short for Weihe River and partial affluent, short for the Jinghe River will appear cautionary and the following flood. Forecast fine hill Jiang Lue 800-15003/s of discharge of in relief Duan Hongfeng, 1000-20003/s of discharge of flood peak of Hanjiang Chinese middle, 600-12003/s of discharge of flood peak of river of short for Weihe River.

[peaceful Jiang Anping presses down rainfall to exceed traffic of 150 millimeter Qing Muchuan to interrupt village of golden hill temple to become Gu island]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

Began at 6 o'clock 25 days afternoon, chinese in rainfall increases apparently, bureau ground appears big rainstorm. Especially from today before dawn begins, peaceful Jiang Anping presses down light rainstorm, 3 hours of rainfall achieve 100mm, end in the morning at 9 o'clock, peaceful Jiang Anping presses down rainfall to achieve 244.9mm, at present rainfall still is in continuously.

After rainstorm happening, water of inland river of condition of wide level ground soares, among them dike of distance of water level of river of wide level ground has a few centimeter only, water of river of partial a section of a highway been about to have overflowed road surface. The strong rainfall of the same night brings about partial hill body to break down collapse, press down the road of village of golden hill temple to be interrupted entirely to An Ping; At the same time Ning Jiang presses down road to appear to Qing Muchuan break down collapse, before road is interrupted, toward Qing Muchuan direction needs circuitous Sichuan the province is wide area of yuan of city day day.

After rainfall appears, wide level ground of peaceful strong county presses down the same night to organize personnel platoon to investigate the situation of a disaster, transfer the flood ahead of schedule, staff of region of geological calamity menace. For safety of teachers and students, this morning, 81 elementary school go to temple of golden hill of town of wide level ground 3 grade student already suspend class.

Forecast, future fine hill Jiang Lue is in relief inside 24 hours paragraph will appear every second the 800 flood peak to 15003 stere; Discharge of flood peak of Hanjiang Chinese middle reachs every second 1000 to 20003 stere.

[the town grabs Qing Muchuan of peaceful strong county on the rails is taken an examination of in interrupting road to assure]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

The in relief green highway that a rainstorm creates peaceful strong county to be pressed down to green Muchuangu breaks down collapse interrupt, through successive rush to repair, be blocked up at present road has been grabbed. Qing Muchuan presses down cadre of rush to deal with an emergency to express, tomorrow is medium one's deceased father, they to ensure children are seasonable to take an examination, had sent a person breaking down collapse a section of a highway observes at any time, discover the problem is handled at any time.

[Xi'an urban district seeper of many a section of a highway is serious]

Pay close attention to | Shaanxi to show ground of bureau of big range rainfall to appear continuously big rainstorm

Tablet forest area under administration: Coadjutant road is crossed a few seeper, seeper of Xing Qinglu cross is bigger (do not affect liaison man) seeper of horn of southwest of cross of Huang Yan village is more (influence pedestrian crosses a street, do not affect car to pass through) , south a bit to door cross south northerly seeper is more (influence traffic) , gold of century of the road austral around the city spends boreal door a few seeper, traffic of other a section of a highway is normal, had informed municipal.

Area under administration of wild goose tower: Abb horn of 2 streets southeast, electron 2 crosses have street electron on the west a few seeper, do not affect liaison man. Already informed municipal.

New and high area under administration: Too on the west of cross of road of science and technology of Bai Na road, on the west of cross of road of science and technology of new and high road, south cross of road of science and technology of road of Feng Hui Na, a unit of length science and technology of 8 north road northern part of cross of the 3 annulus austral road of 7 crossed northern part, Tang Yan, on the west 3 annulus bright and beautiful course of study, already reported municipal department, the spot all has a policeman to be in dredge.

Ba bridge area under administration: Cross of new temple of path of new medical service, east office of 3 annulus official stands hand in by south northerly complementary path has seeper, do not affect liaison man at present. Spin on the west street close fort child northerly driveway seeper is deepened gradually south village cross, remind a driver to shift to an earlier date please circuitous.

Lotus lake area under administration: Extensive aid street goes to belfry eastwards on the west on the west mouth, bridge catalpa mouth on the west eastwards east mouth, peach garden road bridge opening attends eastwards on the west, horn of northeast of Xi Hua door, kunming road is horn of 7 bridges southwest, northeast horn, the mouth austral Beijing University street, do not affect liaison man. Already informed municipal.

New city area under administration: Liberate 5 crossing cross eastwards north of 100 meters of roads, 2 annulus gold spends the mouth austral channel east by boreal Xiang Na, do not affect liaison man at present, already contacted municipal department.

Chang'an area under administration: At present Chang'an area old liberated area appoint cross and fencing cross, young north street and a section of a highway of part of t-shaped of street of Wei music north begin seeper! The driver friends of associate with notice to drive safe

Area under administration of wild goose tower: At present the mouth austral television tower winding mountain paths, horn of 2 streets southeast has abb seeper; Seeper of crossing of annulus of Chang'an road wild goose is serious; Seeper of crossing of Chang'an district soldiers and police is serious; Electron market measure 8 east horn of road cross southwest a few seeper; Child midday highway a unit of length 8 east horn has a few seeper southeast road cross; The electron always loosens all the way road cross has a few seeper; Rosefinch ave Chang'an on the west road by seeper; Already informed municipal, policeman spot is active dredge.

Not ended area under administration: Accumulate canalage Duan Youxi at present room of 3 annulus A all the way, south courtyard of preserve one's health of big the Qin Dynasty of weather station way 50 meters, too Hua Lufeng city 2 Lu Ludong, double have a way, do not affect liaison man temporarily.

[province observatory on June 26 09 when 15 distribute cloth weak point to face forecast]

Did not come 2 hours, level ground of firm of foreign county, city, Buddha, face the city zone of Tong, Xi'an, Chang'an, La Tian, area that face short for Weihe River, China shade, Tong to close, Luo Na churchyard has short when strong precipitation (15-30mm) . ? ? ? ?

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