Go out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thun

Did not go out on the weekend? In messuage two days?

Congratulation you! Face weather, learn to grab answered!

The weather on the weekend can be described only with such expressional bag

Good nevertheless news is!

Rain should come eventually!

Still be strong rainfall!

You need to be borne again only day

According to central observatory weather forecast, predict 24 days 20 when to 25 days 20 when, south of ministry of ministry of Shandong Chinese and Western, river north and south, Guangxi is mixed littoral southwest ministry of upper, Guangdong is mixed littoral basin of upper, Sichuan western mix with the eastpart part of upper, Yunnan western, Guizhou southwest, bureau ground big rainstorm (150 millimeter of 100 ~ ) afore-mentioned partial area companion have; short when strong precipitation (fall of the biggest hour 40 ~ 60 millimeter, bureau ground) of 70 millimeter above.

Go out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thunder

Spend a few hours again, shandong major area will be enclothed by cloud layer.

Of course, what this brunet cloud brings is rainfall not only, still have the strong convection weather such as thunder.

Before dawn begins today, shandong released 19 thunder early-warning, include 6 orange early-warning among them!

Go out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thunder

Weather of heavy rain thunder, an umbrella is taken certainly before going out!

And should notice safety!

Specific prediction:

Arrive by day today nightly, greater part area has shade of complete province weather to arrive greatly rainstorm, rash northwest, rash counteract Lunade the district is local have big torrential rain and companion has thunder and lightning. Peninsula area south wind turns north wind 5 class of 4 ~ , the north wind when other area south wind is short 4 class of 3 ~ , the flatus when thunderstorm area thunderstorm 10 class of 8 ~ .

Highest air temperature: 26 ℃ control foreland of Lu Na's north and Lu Zhong's south, peninsula south, 31 ℃ control other area.

Arrive 26 days day nightly, area weather shade has Lunade to arrive greatly local big rainstorm accompanies rainstorm have thunder and lightning, rash counteract peninsula area weather shade has thunderstorm or showery turn cloudy, shade of other area weather turns cloudy. The north wind when south wind is short 4 class of 3 ~ , the flatus when thunderstorm area thunderstorm 10 class of 8 ~ .

Highest air temperature: 32 ℃ control rash northwest area, 26 ℃ control Lu Dongna and peninsula south foreland, 29 ℃ control other area.

Arrive 27 days day nightly, shade of weather of Lu Na area has thunderstorm or showery turn cloudy, other area weather is cloudy fair. South wind turns north wind 4 class of 3 ~ , the flatus when thunderstorm area thunderstorm 9 class of 8 ~ .

Highest air temperature: 30 ℃ control Lu Dongna area, 27 ℃ control peninsula south foreland, 33 ℃ control other area.

Rainfall thunderstorm weather, the following things are very important!

Dried food having a place sends you:

Go out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thunderGo out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thunderGo out remember carrying an umbrella! Complete province greets weather of rainfall of big range thunder
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