Double-faced life -- man the doubt 25 years ago university be gettinged on by schoolgirl go under sb

Pass in the light of the heat on the net " name county one man doubt is gone to school by schoolgirl imposture " be related, 23 days of evening, new network reporter says in response of department of propaganda of county Party committee of county of name of city of Dan of Heibei province Han, this county takes this matter height seriously, already established the associated group that check, froze the person that be informed against " Wang Hongwei " census register, will check after all to this matter.

Double-faced life -- man the doubt 25 years ago university be gettinged on by schoolgirl go under sb else's name

Inform against person Wang Hongwei (right)

Publicize a know from name county county Party committee, 22 days of evening, name county held water by prefectural discipline appoint take the lead, the branch such as public security, education, human affairs, sanitation is checked for the member's combination the battery is full-scale begin the work that check. At present prefectural discipline appoint already put on record, in be being investigated, findings will announce to the society for a short while.

23 days morning, name county public security bureau is right already the person that be informed against " Wang Hongwei " census register undertook freezing, after waiting for investigation to be clear about, undertake corresponding processing again.

Via checking, "Imposture " incident happened 1993, because census register information is returned at that time not couplet net, it is paper archives, and involve personnel to already was absent mostly working station (some personnel already died) , accept conditional restriction, the part is original archives is disadvantageous already search. Current, police is undertaking investigating obtaining evidence with all one's strength.

Response of name county government says, this matter of name county put up with is checked after all, like the report on the net the circumstance is belonged to solid, will investigate relevant personnel duty gravely lawfully according to discipline.

[] Beijing time: One man doubt of Heibei by 3 schoolgirls take sb's place first if be not taken sb's place I perhaps am a family level cadre,go to school

"Are you what imposture the university on me? "Are you what imposture the university on me??

On June 4, hospital of Heibei name county, king of man of village of the Shen Qiao before name county looks for homonymic physiotherapy division director grandly " Wang Hongwei " , try complete unlock 24 years of mysteries since are round.

"This thing we two say to be not worn. "This thing we two say to be not worn..

Man king is grandiose, was born in May 1973, attended the university entrance exam 1993, because do not know line of the mark that build archives falls,divide, think the university entrance exam loses out by accident.

Wang Hongwei says, original name makes Wang Hongwei of physiotherapy division director Xin Xia, was born in September 1975, 1993 be entered to take by institute of Heibei traditional Chinese medical science, graduation allocation reached name county hospital 1996.

If not be,was gotten on by Xu Xinxia imposture university, oneself life destiny also so won't miserable. Answer read the university on Chi Yinian, national allocation policy is missed when graduation; Enter swing foreign land to do poineering work, principal is not had remand owe external debt of again and again.

Before the reporter is taking the picture of Wang Hongwei of physiotherapy division director, toward Xu Xinxia native place seeks testimony, its uncle and many villager express, the woman on the photograph is Xu Xinxia.

"Most the anguish that lets me cannot be cast off is nocturnal night dreams of the university entrance exam. " Wang Hongwei says, him mind is sharp broke down.

Mention the thing of imposture, wang Hongwei and parent are sad

Wang Hongwei of 45 years old still is borne nowadays stress debt, take move wife lead a wandering life foreign land works.

He all these end the imposture at Xu Xinxia, "If not be by imposture, I present resemble in those days the fellow student is same, family level cadre perhaps is after college graduate allocates, now almost nocturnal night is in dream of the university entrance exam " .

1993, wang Hongwei reads name county one in attend the university entrance exam.

After the university entrance exam before long, two side paste gives school gate opening honour board, the Wang Hongwei with short stature exerts all his strength squeeze into the crowd, found him success from inside thickly dotted list -- 387 minutes.

Wang Hongwei remain fresh in one's memory, oneself ever found classmaster Wang Xinjun, how many minutes is enquiring Heibei to save a specialized subject to build shelf line? The accused knows 390 minutes.

That is to say, he lost out.

The eye is seeing classmates take university admission notice in succession, wang Hongwei for a time lose does not arrive to give a door.

Of person is in the home comfort below, he walks out of the university entrance exam to lose out slowly shadow, return school answer to read.

Second year the university entrance exam, wang Hongwei is admitted by major of spin of Heibei small chemical college, fulfilled the university dream that long for day and night.

However, list of meeting address book lets a fellow-townsman Wang Hongwei removed suspicion.

Person of name county home town has a fellow-townsman to meet in Shijiazhuang, add personnel list newly every year in statistic.

In November 1995, wang Hongwei is met from name birthplace fellow-townsman address book discovers innocently, 93 class combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine is institute of Heibei traditional Chinese medical science have a schoolgirl and oneself homonymic of the same surname.

Wang Hongwei says, "See click in this name heart at that time, because in those days on the sheet of a list of names posted up of achievement of the university entrance exam of the name, besides me one person calls Wang Hongwei not to have 2 people again.

That day, wang Hongwei is utterly confused cannot attend class, " I by imposture? " I by imposture??

He asks for leave simply come home, begin to search this " Wang Hongwei " the identity.

If imposture, had wanted recruit students to do this one toll-gate above all. Fraught Wang Hongwei finds name county recruit students to do, the requirement is examined 1993 " Wang Hongwei " admit information, but by refus.

Later, wang Hongwei's father employs private concern to find Han Dan recruit students to do, the accused tells the date of standard textual criticism of son Wang Hongwei, fraction, really by the person imposture attended a college.

"Wang Hongwei " secret

"Classmaster Wang Xinjun ever told me in those days, heibei saves specialized subject all to enrol the line that build archives 390 minutes, does the word of director of difficult railway or highway maintenance squad have a holiday? So, how is the person that take sb's place taking achievement of 387 minutes to admit again?

Wang Hongwei asks to learn, after building archives mark line to announce in those days, fell 5 minutes again, the mark of the university entrance exam that means him already exceeded a specialized subject to admit the line that build archives.

However, he at that time not know the inside story.

The mother recollects Wang Hongwei, check imposture be related in the son before long, name county one in Wang Xinjun of vice-president Han Feng Qi, classmaster comes to the home to pay a visit, "Say Wang Hongwei into the door by imposture this thing is to I am sorry really, frighten so that two people leg hits shiver to cannot be entered " .

Subsequently, the prefectural politics and law at that time appoint vice secretary (deceased) wait for a person also plead for mercy for sb of call at sb's house. They disclose, schoolgirl king is called Xu Xinxia formerly grandly, person of village of place of business of home of king of countryside of red temple of department name county, before attending a college, registered permanent residence from village of Wang Dong of countryside of ave of ingoing of Wang Jiazhuang village,

Plead for mercy for sb person affirmatory still, if Wang Jia is found out no longer by imposture this thing, xu Xinxia can identify Wang Jia to do dry daughter, look in light of on holidays 2 old.

To express good faith, wang Jiaren gets 10 thousand yuan of money, it is the compensation that attends a college one year behindhand. Return somebody to send 1 ton freely to warm oneself to Wangjia in the winter in those days coal.

Insider says, make the home hold out potent in place. One's early years, open of Xu Xinxia's father is large food company, establish have a school of run by the local people. Imposture accident in those days, uncle Xu Xinxia holds a post section chief of capital construction of prefectural education bureau.

Face plead for mercy for sb of a batch of another batch of person, the outer part of feel embarrassed of Wang Hongwei's father that secretary of Party committee of countryside of head of name county a knot in one's heart assumes when, what to say again.

Nowadays, the vice-president Han Feng Qi that goes to Home Wang apologizing at the outset already died, wang Hongwei is found already the Wang Xinjun that one Lieutenant Colonel grows preferment name wants a version.

"Imposture does not involve my issue really, going apologizing in those days in your home also is to suffer Han Fengqi to arrange, because Han Fengqi is recommending me in those days,become vice-president, do you say I can not go. " Wang Xinjun did not leak more information.

On June 14, beijing time reporter is taking physiotherapy division director " Wang Hongwei " the photograph heads for Wang Jiazhuang village to seek testimony, after many villager identifies, say, director of division of physiotherapy of name county hospital " Wang Hongwei " it is Xu Xinxia.

Home Wang Zhuang Cun makes Xin Xia's uncle say: "Xu Xinxia is most 40 years old, go to work in prefectural hospital, one's early years was not taken an examination of go to school, she took sb's place family name calls Wang Hongwei. She took sb's place family name calls Wang Hongwei..

The villager all expresses, xu Xinxia goes to work in prefectural hospital.

Zhou Limin recollects teacher of middle school of golden beach town, taught 1993 first 3 (33) graduation class, there is one person to call Xu Xinxia really in the class, but the whereaboutldirection after graduation did not know.

Hu Hongping (alias) one's early years is read press down a middle school at beach of name county gold, he tells @ time news, came 1990 1993, school junior high school 33, have a fellow student that the name is Xu Xinxia really.

According to the policy of enter a higher school of junior high school at that time, junior high school gives birth to Xu Xinxia not to possess qualification of the university entrance exam,

Contrail of two kinds of life

Double-faced life -- man the doubt 25 years ago university be gettinged on by schoolgirl go under sb else's name

Time of two people graduation differs a year only, but life contrail differs completely however.

1996, "Wang Hongwei " from inside Heibei specialized subject of college of medicine graduates, assign job of name county hospital smoothly, nowadays already director of preferment physiotherapy division, live creditable and the life that has honor.

However, after the university graduated 1997, Wang Hongwei just meets policy of national occurrences in human life is reformed, recruit students of interconnected system of school of old technical secondary school is wrapped no longer allocate, he applies for name county knitting mill.

The knitting mill after two years changes make, wang Hongwei with technology of one's previous experience of spin major regular professional training, borrowed 300 thousand yuan from friend place, along with next Guangdong open austral the factory director name county knitting distinguishs a works. However, because enterprise of good times don't last long manages not to be pooh-poohed to close down, principal is not had return.

Since the enterprise close down, wang Hongwei is rare return old home, although spend the New Year,come home to also hiding like making an enemy. A few high school classmates that are close friends in those days, after the university graduates or allocate prefectural government, or in villages and towns, enter alignment of family level cadre nowadays, "Drop is too big " .

Wang Hongwei is fulfil him unfinished wish, first selection of requirement son the university entrance exam medicine kind school, be entered smoothly to take fortunately.

Next, this heart knot stays in Wang Hongwei's heart all the time.

Wife Li Qingmei recollects Wang Hongwei, rain heavily once, the home did not return tardy after Wang Hongwei comes off work, after coming home, be informed, he is in in half hour stayed on Jiang Daqiao, want to jump river suicide dies 100. Be in that is flashy, he thinks of again wife how to do, just gave up commit suicide thought.

In May 2018, li Qingmei is determined, answer native place to help the husband denounce a view.

On May 4 in the evening, "The university on Wang Hongwei of Xu Xinxia imposture " inform against a letter, in name county socialization the friend encircles get about.

Morrow, with respect to somebody clear Mei He of pull wires plum makes family sit to arrange this matter.

Li Qingmei says, "Share 4 people at that time attendant. Xu Xinzhong of Xu Xinxia's elder brother participated in a negotiation, he says him open has school of run by the local people, if Wang Hongwei is outer,pass be inferior to meaning, can come back to run dormitory and dining room to the school; Xu Xinzhong is affirmatory still, after the daughter comes back, my wife and children goes to school, he is in charge of finish high school. He is in charge of finish high school..

Li Qingmei talks to this, undertook recording secretly.

Another present public figure confirms to Beijing time reporter, afore-mentioned recording content are character of Xu Xinzhong place truly.

Final, both sides meets part on bad terms, one paper informs against Li Qingmei the letter sent name county record appoint.

Hard thinking fors the time being

"Be which segment gives an issue after all? " Wang Hongwei is done not have up to now when view.

On June 5, wang Hongwei will to division of prefectural hospital physiotherapy find " Wang Hongwei " , "Are you what in those days imposture the university on me? "Are you what in those days imposture the university on me??

"Wang Hongwei " place a hand again and again, "Not not, this thing we two say to be not worn. This thing we two say to be not worn..

Archives of bureau of company of name county person inquires cadre register, prefectural hospital king is grandiose, female, the birth date in September 1975.

Archives staff member expresses, be organized only to archives information or handle a case need ability inquiry.

Later, wang Hongwei comes to office of name county recruit students again, the request checks queen grandiose in those days date of standard textual criticism, and achievement of the university entrance exam.

Name county court does director Ma Xianjie to inform, do not check, action do to also not be in charge of saving this. At that time still is paper archives, did not resemble there is electronic record now, after 2000, information of student of the university entrance exam ability is complete save.

Ma Xianjie tells Wang Hongwei, "Like you such by the thing of imposture much, discipline appoint also will check much, still having was 1996 by imposture, discipline appoint will had checked what to also be not checked. Discipline appoint will had checked what to also be not checked..

So, institute of Heibei traditional Chinese medical science in those days in recruit students, whether to discover problem of existence of mark of Wang Hongwei identity, one's status as a student, the university entrance exam?

However, controller of institute of Heibei traditional Chinese medical science expresses, the institute stores the information of primitive one's status as a student with grand queen really, but reject to inform detail and inquiry.

Wang Hongwei doubt, making new glow number of households and total population is how from Wang Jiazhuang the village is migratory to Dong Cun of ave countryside king, the university on incognito Wang Hongwei, and, classics police inquires census register net has not left a mark.

Relevant personage introduces Han Dan police, 1993 that period, census register management still is in government of villages and towns, manage opposite extensive.

Wang Hongwei says: "King of Hunan collect rosy clouds, Henan is graceful case of imposture of height of chaste tree of graceful, Hubei, although be apart from case hair when old already, also was not investigated finally. Also was not investigated finally..

Wang Hongwei real name informs against incident of Xu Xinxia imposture after a month, he comes to name county discipline appoint the inquiry investigates progress, discipline appoint the letter is visited room express, at hand law case is more, had not vacated hand to check.

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