Yacht of wreck of Thailand general auspicious " phoenix " date fails to hit fish out water as sche

Bangkok of China News Service on August 14 report (reporter kingdom is installed) civilian couplet hall reports official residence of Thailand Pu Ji 14 days, because weather reachs sea condition reason, added capsize of coastal waters region in Pu Jidao in July " phoenix " date yacht fails to hit fish out water that day as scheduled.

Civilian couplet hall weighs general auspicious government office, because weather is harsh, ocean wave is bigger, bring about salvage equipment to cannot secure hull, because cannot finish heavy boat as scheduled this that day,salvage the job.

Yacht of wreck of Thailand general auspicious " phoenix " date fails to hit fish out water as scheduled

"Phoenix " date heavy boat salvages the job this month 12 days spread out formally, but because weather reason fails,all finish even recently salvage.

Civilian couplet hall expresses, the staff member will be salvaged at heavy boat of 15 days of proceed. According to the plan, heavy boat is salvaged after toing disembark, the personnel such as maritime, police will be right " phoenix " date hull undertakes checking, in order to determine accident cause.

This heavy boat is salvaged need to cost an ancient unit of weight of 10 million peaceful about (add up to) of 2 million yuan of RMB about. Chair the Thailand that salvages the job maritime hall expresses, already sued " phoenix " date yacht place belongs to a company, ask its pay this pen fee.

Before, place already was finished about the respect right early before the another wreck yacht that salvages a success " Ai Sha's princess " the examination of date works, right relevant responsibility person to lodge a complaint. To " phoenix " the investigation of date capsize accident, police up to now also already tens of people recorded subpoena affidavit.

On July 5, two yacht that hold Chinese visitor add coastal waters region in Pu Jidao dash forward meet especially big storm, bring about ship capsize. Among them " Ai Sha's princess " the 35 China tourist on date is rescued entirely, "Phoenix " the 87 China tourist on date has 40 people to be rescued, 47 people die. (Be over)

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