Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Although recently already the Beginning of Autumn, but summer the steam box mode of high temperature open oh disastrous, in the dog days that 40 days of train in excess specified length bide his time, indispensable is cold drink, air conditioning. So, if appear in street the cold drink with one free freezer, does meeting someone go taking?

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

The eye is being looked at the outdoor temperature of He lustre is close to 40 ℃ recently, then we are in shopping mall of red ave of peony area east, placed a little love selling ark to put ark on the ice. For the outdoors worker below high temperature, offer cold drink freely.

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Love is little sell ark

The intense heat of summer of burning sun pawn, hid into air conditioning room to become only alternative it seems that. But have so a flock of people, be as long as several hours to bearing the insolate of the sun everyday, stand fast from beginning to end however post. They, be outside sell little elder brother, it is express little elder brother, it is policeman comrade, it is environmental sanitation worker. . . . . .

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Of burning sun of environmental sanitation worker work

Place v/arc be on the throne at shopping mall of Oriental red ave small sell ark, everyday person discharge is very much, short in the morning, little elder brother and environmental sanitation worker sell to sell ark love to put ark on the ice to obtain free drinking water as a child outside having tens of names. Broil of daylong to wanting to endure everyday sun bakes them, the occurrence of freezer of little love selling ark, solved the problem of heat of filling water disappear not just, more let a person experience a lot of kindness and the milk of human kindness.

Liu Dashu of worker of an environmental sanitation sees love is little after selling ark, also come over to take water to drink, become environmental sanitation worker already he 5 years expresses, resemble such day, want to drink 5 bottles of water at least in the job outdoor everyday.

Afternoon 14:00, be burning sun pawn when, and passed to be taken in the morning independently with, full small sell ark already deserted. When proper staff member prepares filling goods to present cabinet, two love personages are moving one box mineral water to come to the front of cupboard door.

"The thing is not much, this weather works outside now really too painstaking. We all also nod ourselves can force, old hot days, not allow really easy. " two love personages that do not wish to leave a full name leave hurriedly after leaving one box water.

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Love personage is put into box mineral water small in selling ark

Curtain of night arrives, of a night fair blatant later, the pedestrian on the shopping mall is exiguous with each passing day. But still somebody is standing fast the job. In the evening at 9 o'clock, little elder brother sells to come to love outside the name small before selling ark. "Weather is so hot now, it is in the evening also is streaming with sweat. I go out took full a bottle of big water also is drunk not quite, send eat these days transient small sell ark ark of this love ice, just began to dare be not taken, asked the staff member on the side says later free really, quite open-eyed still, did not think of to have so much person really caring us. " one is in love is little a such say sell outside selling what water drinks by ark, and the large water bottle that right now he is hanging on electric car is already empty bottle.

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Water is taken in little elder brother selling to sell ark as a child outside

The love that unmanned value defends is little sell ark, neither one takes water before average citizen, it is to leave the person that has need; Again tired again thirsty, little brother sells to also drink a bottle only outside, transfer love more person. Love is little the occurrence that sells ark, for this group laborer of respected outdoors high temperature offers the drink seeing hot weather such as iced mineral water. In this fervent in August, love is little those who sell ark to deliver is cool and refreshing not just, also between humanness and person blast a kindness. Pay kindness, also will by well-meaning redound.

If you are worker of policeman comrade, environmental sanitation, outside sell little elder brother, express little elder brother... transient here, invite drink a bottle of water to be made a bit rest, if there is such person beside you, tell them this news please. Nod assist for each love and almsdeed!

Our " love puts ark on the ice " the address is: Shopping mall of red ave of east of area of peony of He lustre city is old by temple gold

Love of small commonweal selling ark builds up, below greeting high temperature stand fast

Small selling ark is the intelligence with banner industry unmanned and retail equipment, need to sweep a code to open the door only, close to pay automatically, can finish inside 3 seconds shop, user experience is very convenient. A variety of model, have function of cold storage, normal temperature, heat preservation, medicines and chemical reagents of supportable snacks, beverage, unripe delicacy, brunch, lash-up, and day miscellaneous general merchandise. 24 hours online, indoor and outdoors all can display, through garrisoning of all kinds place, but 0 distances are touched amount to of all kinds consumer, satisfy the instant consumption requirement of of all kinds user.


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