If have doubt to emeritus salary, where to go to OK and new business accounting?

If have doubt to emeritus salary, where to go to OK and new business accounting?

Have doubt to emeritus salary, it is window of emeritus examine and verify sought advice from the endowment insurance that goes to social security center of course.

Will tell commonly, because,there is doubt to emeritus salary below most circumstance is, do not understand us the computational method of emeritus salary.

At present our annuities computation is calculate by basic annuities of the whole nation formulary. Basically include fundamental annuities and individual account old-age pension two parts.

Fundamental annuities is equal to what worker of year on guard goes up when retiring is mean monthly salary × (1+ oneself are average capture expends an index) / × of fixed number of year of expenses of 2 × pay 1% .

Individual account annuities is equal to the remaining sum of account of the individual when retiring, except the plan hair that fixes with emeritus age the month is counted. 60 years old are 139 months, 55 years old are 170 months, 50 years old are 195 months. This is very clear, most person does not have a problem.

Actually besides these two besides, place builds the person that has a job before individual account annuities, the uninterrupted length of service that is approved by the country or the fixed number of year that pay fee, use calculation transitional annuities.

Transitional algorithm of annuities each district is different, be it is a standard in order to save.

Actually our annuities difference, if have interrogative word,basically be problem of pay expenses fixed number of year. Will tell commonly, it is some fixed number of year that pay fee were not approbated, what basically also point to is transitional fixed number of year.

The person that if contrast,has a job with time, if annuities difference is in 89 yuan of above, the likelihood is put in the problem.

Other factor, it is by social security system oneself are calculated, and inspect the cost that be the same as capture fixed number of year is transitional perhaps annuities computation time is somebody class is certain, this ability appears easily accident.

So, we go social security check and ratify when, also want to had known concerned policy.

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