South Africa orchid is especially big drop, because Telangpu is sent,push language is right south Af

South Africa orchid is especially big drop, because Telangpu is sent,push language is right south Africa confiscates white man land to raise doubt;

Telangpu sends push say especially: "I already let admire of bitter fleabane of Secretary of State abstruse the seizure that studies south Africa land and farm carefully and the condition that impose in order to and large-scale killing farmer. South Africa government is in from white man farmer land captures in the hand " ;

Before this, lamafusa of south Africa president announces, confiscate free white man land and give a black these land reassign.

South Africa orchid is especially big drop, because Telangpu is sent,push language is right south Africa confiscates white man land to raise doubt

Telangpu sends push say especially: "I already let admire of bitter fleabane of Secretary of State abstruse the seizure that studies south Africa land and farm carefully and the condition that impose in order to and large-scale killing farmer. South Africa government is in from white man farmer land captures in the hand " ;

Before this, lamafusa of south Africa president announces, confiscate free white man land and give a black these land reassign.

The intermediary outside the report weighed reference news net on August 25, a personage of know the inside story says, south Africa president on August 23 call in the United States does sth for sb temporarily outstanding alizarin red · pulls Peng,

Reported on August 23 according to Reuter, telangpu was sent in the evening on August 22 push civil say, he already asked admire of bitter fleabane of Secretary of State abstruse " careful research south Africa is confiscated reach be related of commandeer land and farm, large-scale killing farmer " .

The report says, the spokesman of Lamafusa of south Africa president criticises Telangpu is incendiary and phyletic dissension.

Occupy associated press additionally to reported on August 23, south Africa government is violent on August 23 assail Telangpu's president. He is being pushed before this go up especially say, his government has investigation some farms to be confiscated about the white man, and south Africa " large-scale killing farmer " hearsay. South Africa government says be a mistake to this says or state with certainty.

South Africa government says, of Telangpu push civil be based on " false information " , mirrorred " a kind of narrow view, this kind of view can break up only our country, the colony history that lets us remember us " .

In addition according to " now Russia " TV station website reported on August 23, after the land reform issue that in American presidential spy bright general hair pushs civil doubt south Africa, south Africa money orchid dropped on August 23 especially nearly 2% . Telangpu's doubt makes people worries the United States to may implement economic sanction to south Africa.

South Africa orchid is especially big drop, because Telangpu is sent,push language is right south Africa confiscates white man land to raise doubt

Send in Telangpu after pushing Wen Zhi, orchid drop to 1 dollar to change for a time especially 14.43 orchid special, making an appointment with the Si Bao inside writing later afternoon in trading, pick up to be changed to 1 dollar 14.22 orchid special.

South Africa Broadcasting Corporation says, lamafusa's president will let American embassy make an explanation. Lamafusa ever expressed on August 1, for can free collects land, the ministerial general that be not a country plans to revise constitution ahead of schedule.

Occupy Germany again " Frankfurt is reported " the website reported on August 23, one of American president Telangpu pushs article general south Africa and United States to be brought to conflict of a diplomacy. Evening was pushing Telangpu to go up especially on August 22 the white man farmer that says south Africa suffers " large-scale killing " .

This year in Feburary, south Africa parliament passed land free to impose a plan. Presidential Lamafusa announces, ministerial blame country is big although reject land nationalization, but act of plump land repartition. After apartheid ends 24 years, the abundant land of 70% masters south Africa in hand of a few white man as before, only 4% put in a black 's charge all.

The report says, telangpu's opinion on public affairs makes person of a lot of south Africa feel disgusted, they made indignant response on gregarious media.

The report still says, contrary, the white man nationalist of south Africa expresses to welcome to Telangpu's opinion on public affairs. They think, the food safety of will minatory south Africa mixes the land reform in the plan stable. They point out, since apartheid policy ended 1994, what already farmer of hundreds white man is carried out in the black is cruel the be murdered in robbing.

However, the expert points out, although produced event of a series of farmer of killing white man, but violent prey of home still is a black mostly.

Reported on August 23 according to associated press again, now, every time " Telangpu " when one word and African mainland are alluded at the same time, a lot of African metropolises are frightened so that go backwards.

The report says, this kind of circumstance happened again. American president Telangpu was sent in the evening on August 22 push civil say, he already indicated Secretary of State " careful research " confiscate be related according to the land of farmer of south Africa white man that say -- in apartheid system (the system that has dominating by a few white man namely) terminative after nearly 1/4 century, this is a problem that has phyletic dissension quality.

The report still says, telangpu changes attention dot to Africa rarely. This is pushed civil it is the name that this mainland alludes directly for the first time since he holds the position of a president -- every time when he mentions African problem, often meet things go contrary to one's wishes.

The report points out, the most appalling case happens this year some earlier moment, should report from time to tome Telangpu uses coarse word the toilet with African country dirty assimilate to. The state that is irritated is swift call in American ambassador, the requirement makes an explanation to this one view, south Africa of no less than asked American embassy makes it clear that newest opinion on public affairs of Telangpu is same on August 23.

A lot of south Africa people feel astonish. The talk with the most welcome south Africa kind one of broadcast broadcasting station early Youxibiyousi Maikaize chaired a master of ceremonies an intense debate that about Telangpu the mistake makes known his position. He says to audience before the controversy begins: "(Telangpu is) those who hold racial prejudice is paranoiac. "(Telangpu is) those who hold racial prejudice is paranoiac..

The report says, since becoming a president, telangpu is basically right African laissez-faire, had held with the dynast of country of a few a few Africa only meet, make crucial diplomacy position -- be stationed in south Africa ambassador for instance one duty -- vacant. Highest diplomat cost the African general affairs that appoints the State Council only one year between half.

Now, home of a few observation says, telangpu is using him to try to transfer people to deliver the attention of confused legal problem more in home to him about newest opinion on public affairs of Africa.

South Africa orchid is especially big drop, because Telangpu is sent,push language is right south Africa confiscates white man land to raise doubt

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