Hear again much argument, you are too bad also this lifetime

1, know and be no good, it is sealed only

Know a truth not to act however, because do not have,just understand this reason truly.

We have such experience, when opening solution others easy, general principle, but once the thing arrived on him body, these truths did not have the effect right-down however.

Youth of a lot of people says he knows " filial parents " , but the job is busy, the dinner party is busy, do not smoke give time to go filial.

I know the truth, but do not do.

Wrong, you are not understood and did not accomplish, however you press a root to did not understand, did not accomplish so.

500 years ago, the complacent child Xu of king Yang Ming loves to ask a teacher: People knows give presents father and mother now, but however often cannot give presents parents, is don't this know with respect to the specification and acting two different matters?

King Yang Ming is such answers, do not go filial parents, because had not understood the reason of filial parents,be.

The reason that does not act, it is not to know.

Tell in the university, "Had been like randy. Be like evil effluvial " . When people sees a beauty, like naturally to be close to, people funk nature is detested was far from.

See the belle is to know, liking a belle is to go.

Funk is to know, detesting a stink is to go.

If do not have funk, people nature won't be detested. It is certain to smelled can be fed up with, because genuine knowledge nature brings the action, this is automatical thing.

Had said a word like 3 wool, "Love does not hide, close mouth, the eye also can speak out " , if a person loved, so his action can catch up with naturally, in the eye, on tip of the brow, in every word and deed, this also does not hide anyhow, also do not control.

So, a person does not go filial parents, do not talk to go up know filial father and mother. If he knows to want filial parents really, true show solicitude for cherishs parents, he acts naturally, is not gave career, dinner party time allocation.

Hear again much argument, you are too bad also this lifetime

2, know and be no good, not genuine knowledge

Knew a truth and do not act, that cannot understand this reason truly.

A lot of people have such experience, an argument that oneself hear a lot of years, indissoluble at that time its meaning, but when encountering a few things, abrupt with respect to Ming Wu.

Because the action caught up with, knew naturally so.

Again for example, oneself painful only oneself know.

Oneself are painful, oneself just know painful. What alien also won't know you forever is painful. Because not be painful,go up in his body, you are much more painful, how painful, he does not know right-down.

So, lacked the operation, do not talk to go up know.

People says to you pear is acerbity, do you know be acid? You get yourself to taste, just knowing be acid after all still is sweet.

Theory is correct, be not being done do not know, you must be carried out personally, just know this truth is can practicable.

" a high official in ancient China " say " be not the difficult that know, the alone difficult of travel " , " Zun Chuan " say " it is difficult to be not the fact that know, will be expert at " , treat of knowing and doing is difficult easy problem, think to seek knowledge be in again apply, confucius " consistent " regard as differentiate the important level of gentleman, Lilliputian. This explains the Chinese nation takes the nation that carry out goes seriously namely since ancient times.

King Yang Ming has a word:

The person must do kongfu to be good part in the training on the thing. If be forced static, encounter emergency chaos, do not have progress eventually.

Just know, take exercise without what pass affairs of human life however, cannot have progress after all. Only practice just is good sense.

Hear again much argument, you are too bad also this lifetime

3, syncretic of knowing and doing

King Yang Ming: Knowing is the idea of travel, it is the time that tell all right. Knowing is of travel only then, it is all right know into.

Know to be exterior and interior with action each other, supplement each other.

A person wants to know, want inevitably to study, in the process that study once want test and verify certain thing, entered the phase of practice namely.

For instance, the child of shepherd called a wolf to come outside, this is a message, know namely in the ear that passes into people, but this knows is do not have test and verify know, one knows the person of syncretic of knowing and doing truly, must oneself glance, look to whether have the sign that the wolf came to. See this, went namely.

That is to say, know and be one and the same actually all right, think independently know, certainly the composition of travel is in. It is a process that acknowledge deepens only all right just.

And if a person did not know originally, but he is summed up ceaselessly through be in practice, use experience in practice again ceaselessly, these experience know namely. Can of apperception essence examine " row " namely " know " , such " row " ability is not blind.

A person hears again much argument too bad also this lifetime, because of heard argument the likelihood is a holiday, even if be true, do not go carry out also does not have a law to be known truly all right.

" middle " in tell, erudite, cross-question, shen Saizhi, prudential, last are earnest travel.

Whatever thing, whatever truth, use bombastic, use dress the facade of a shop, such knowing, understand again much trashy also. Go dependably only carry out goes, these general principle, ability melt into the nourishment of our life, make a person magnanimous and dauntless, abundant heavy full figure.

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