When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and

When be pregnant, some accurate mom vomiting during pregnancy will be very intense, feel to do not have appetite. This moment, the happiest is to eat all sorts of fruits! Especially to be warm when, a bowl of acid is sweet appetizing fruit, the heart that became a lot of pregnant woman is good.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

But, as a result of the characteristic of pregnant woman body, not be all fruits of can optional edible.

A few days ago I go to cousin home, see her persistently holding apricot in the arms to eat suddenly, I was frightened jump, ask how she eats so much apricot.

Because,she says is of vomiting during pregnancy fierce, plus weather is torrid recently, do not have appetite even more. Since her after husband bought apricot to her, have a meal to cannot leave apricot, want several everyday.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

Pregnant woman taste is original changeful, I think she ate a few with respect to these two days, did not think of to have so much. I say, average pregnant woman is to cannot eat apricot, because can bring bottle opener a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale very easily,contract. She asks: How is uterine systole met? I say to may abort, she what frighten lost the apricot in the hand rapidly.

Look at the appearance of her fear after the event, know to the class did not do work well when she is pregnant, give her popular science then fruity of edible of a few pregnant woman is no-no.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

Pregnant woman should note a lot of problems in draft fruit respect, when be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling.

1, almond

Pregnant woman wants abstinence almond apricot, especially almond, because poisonous material hydrocyanic acid is contained in almond, to avoid its noxiousness is affected through placental protective screen fetal, pregnant woman should abstinence almond.

And apricot taste is sour, big heat, bring about slippery embryo easily. Because be in nausea embryo heat is heavier during be pregnant, so pregnant woman should eat delicate food commonly in antenatal, and apricot is heated up greatly, it is pregnant woman big fear.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

2, longan

After the woman is pregnant, shade blood slants empty, deficiency of yin with irritability is caused inside hot. Longan although nutrition is rich, and mouthfeel bright slips, gan Tian is juicily, also have have enrich the blood calm the nerves, the effect with the lienal beneficial that raise blood, but sexual Wen Tai is hot, the fetus cannot be protected not only after pregnant woman is fed, appear easily instead leakage the threatened abortion symptom such as red, bellyacke.

Serve as pregnant woman so for, for lovely darling OK and healthy be born, be about to control appetite, be in especially pregnant is inchoate with pregnant later period.

Prohibit absolutely to pregnant later period edible longan, because such meetings cause palace to shrink, once frequent palace shrinks to be able to cause fetal premature delivery! But in pregnant medium-term moment, can nod solution to satisfy a craving for delicious food appropriately however, avoid by all means cannot gluttonous.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

3, hawkthorn

The gravid reaction such as inappetence, disgusting, vomiting can appear after major woman is pregnant, like to take a few sick at heart very much so sweet appetizing food. Mention such food, what everybody thinks of above all is hawkthorn, so can pregnant woman eat hawkthorn?

The expert reminds, hawkthorn reachs his all sorts of fruit products, although acid is sweet goluptious, but pregnant woman or careful it is advisable to eat or do not eat. Because hawkthorn has invigorate the circulation of blood to know the effect of Yu, two pairs palace can produce excited effect, pregnant woman if edible can promote an uterus to contract too much, increase abortive risk.

Have nature before especially abortive history or the pregnant woman that there is threatened abortion symptom after be pregnant, had better not eat hawkthorn. And can exciting hydrochloric acid in gastric juice secretes hawkthorn, the progestational hormone inside body of the pregnant woman after be pregnant and estrogen level are elevatory, increase fetal and constant growth oppressive stomach ministry, if edible hawkthorn, with respect to the circumstance of heartburn of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice of meeting aggravate pregnant woman.

When be pregnant, these fruits should be entered " blacklist " , eat much bad to pregnant Mom and darling

Before during be pregnant, perhaps be pregnant, accurate mom should learn a few Yo well knowledge, so that know what cannot eat, what thing cannot do what thing, such ability give birth to the little baby with next lovely health in safety.

Hope every mom can make the same score restful Andesheng issue little baby!

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