Open term: When campus food installs full inspection to undertake

Open term: When campus food installs full inspection to undertake

Open term: When campus food installs full inspection to undertake

Be worth autumn to open term, superintend for farther aggrandizement campus and circumjacent food safety, begin from August 31 up to now, bureau of area city inspect is organized in succession execute the law personnel is right dining room of school of each middle and primary school, nursery school, old technical secondary school and circumjacent provision are safe inside area under administration have special inspection.

On September 6, execute the law personnel comes to the area early or late one young, area dining room of one high school student, respectively to school dining room each liability system is fulfilled, from health of personnel of course of study state, food purchases raw material of memory and raw material quality, food to all alone the ticket alls alone sanitation of card, environment and treatment operate crucial link, meal to provide clean litter of hutch of disinfection, eat to deal with, food takes shape. Up to now, this bureau dispatchs in all execute the law personnel 88 person-time, dining room of middle and primary school of examination area under administration, nursery school 63, deadline of make known to lower levels is instructed rectify and reform advice note 6. Force executes the law to complete special inspection to all school dining rooms inside area under administration in continuation of afterwards of later period general, prevent accuse autumn to open risk of safety of the food between semester, safeguard is broad teachers and students is healthy, escort the Emperor to open term convoy. (reporter: Zhao Huan)

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