City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

People says tiger poison is not fed child, but this should be true devil to parents. . .

The California parents cruel that stuns the world child case. . . Captivity of a pair of couples of California 13 children, bathe one year only, one day gives a meal only, flog the child, rape the child.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Looking from the photograph is very normal a family, actually very terrible

Be as long as 7 years to suffer all kinds of in the room of complete darkness by captivity as a child mistreat, a kind of what kind of experience be?

Ever had seen the name is " room " the film, told about the boy the story of Jackie and his mother Joy. The room that Joy ever was cheated to close, here became her prison. Joy is in by suffer during captivity mistreat and rape, was delivered of son Jackie. Jackie grows to never had seen the world outside.

Child case is reminding when happen in American California recently however appalling cruel it seems that we, real world compares the film forever, should come more fantastic and cruelty.

Ball and chain, effluvial, mistreat: California horrible story

American California Peilisi (Perris) , weekday (14 days) before day, a girl of 17 years old escaped from the window eventually she is in south the home of California, use to had stopped the mobile phone of machine, dialed exclusive a number that still can call: 911.

Subsequently, police still found 12 brother sister of the girl in the home that in her that bad smell smokes a day. They live in a darkness, without enough food and water. Among them a few children still are gotten on in the bed by shackles lock. The smallest child has two years old only.

These children can eat a meal only everyday, be allowed one year to bathe only. Often by going-over, can be strapped even sometimes asphyxial.

As a result of exceeding hidebound, police fails to realize on the horse sister of these 13 brother is medium even, unexpectedly 7 had grown up, the biggest already 29 years old. Constable office expresses, this girl that call the police although already 17 years old, but have 10 years old of volume only it seems that.

Captivity of parents of this birds and beasts kisses the bizarre case of unripe children 13 times, it is eventually before common people exposure.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Graph source: NYtimes

Today, the victim's parents, · of Allan of the · that wear dimension is especially smooth (David Allen Turpin) and · of dew easy silk install graceful · to be made the same score especially (Louise Anna Turpin) with maltreat, mistreat the multinomial accusation such as children and illegal imprisonment to be arrested, put in prison. According to CNN report, the recognizance of two people is 12 million dollar each.

Check just says, especially smooth couple often can buy a few small snacks to be put in " the child looks get " place, but do not allow them to eat however.

Because be locked up to be on the bed by shackles, children cannot go according to his apiration even closet.

And when if be in,washing his hands, splashing arrived the place of artifice above, children also can be punished, reason is " dabble. Reason is " dabble..

If accusation holds water, make the same score couple or the imprisonment that will face 94 years especially.

But go up in front courtyard today, face accusation, refus of especially smooth couple does not admit his guilt.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Face accusation, especially smooth couple does not admit his guilt graph source: CBS

Appear when their home is medium when police weekday, "Show Yi Si to return very feel puzzled we have He Gui to work, " · of case of thunder of case of prefectural police spokesman, deputy constable expends Lifosaide Lowes expresses.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Source of crime scene graph: Dailymail

According to CNN report, especially smooth neighbour knows here is living one everybody child person, but the children that had never seen this pair of couples. A neighbour says, especially smooth couple is arrested 14 days that day, the child leaves from the room, "They look the skin is cadaverous, like seeming to never had seen sunshine. Like seeming to never had seen sunshine..

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Make the same score source of connubial home figure especially: REUTERS

Jinbaili Miligen of 50 years old (Kimberly Milligan) lives opposite especially smooth home. She baffles constantly, why cannot see this looks after children to the couple come out amuse oneself.

She had encountered this family 2015 only. She and son see 3 children of this other people hang Christmas colored lantern in the courtyard at that time.

When Jinbaili talks with them, "Children were psyched out it seems that, resemble saying, ' I am invisible, you lose sight of me ' same. It seems that this is their exclusive defense mechanism. It seems that this is their exclusive defense mechanism..

Also neighbour expresses, "Especially smooth couple looks very affable, very enthusiastic also. " very difficult them with the figure of birds and beasts of cruel child is contacted together, "Be the person that the sort of very normal looking. "Be the person that the sort of very normal looking..

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Graph source: Dailymail

Circulating one Duan Teping's couple celebrated the video that marries 26 years 2015 on Facebook. Children surround in father mother beside, the girl is wearing bright-coloured grid dress, the schoolboy wears a suit to making tie. Picture " sweet touching " .

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Graph source: Facebook

13 children that why this wants him chain to parents, and they were treated so how long, now still is an unknown.

"We did not master enough information to understood these children to bear at present how long, " police says. "But their circumstance makes clear, this had lasted quite long period of time. This had lasted quite long period of time..

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

13 people are pursued by the place of captivity source: Dailymail

The government registers the Ceng Zaizhou that wear dimension to manage in the home the name is sanded castle day school (the private school of Sandcastle Day School) , at present still without discovery the student beyond child of especially smooth home is read here.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Graph source: Dailymail

"Make clear without evidence still other student or children live in Na Dong in the house, " police spokesman says.

Now, 7 grown children (5 females and two males) be in center of medical treatment of area of division collect accept to accept hospitalization. Black of · of mark of this courtyard dean is not Er (Mark Uffer) expresses, their current condition is stabler, "Hold a hope to prospective life. "Hold a hope to prospective life..

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Graph source: NBC News

The Fosaide in California university distributes school health system " children is mistreated and ignore a group " Dr. Suofeiya Gelante (Sophia Grant) says, although she cannot disclose the specific condition of a few minor children, but treat the victim that be mistreated to need to experience a lengthy process commonly, the dietotherapy that includes successive, accept CT the diagnostic examination such as scanning, and most important, long-term psychology coachs.

"This is not you attend a few period of treatment can better thing. "This is not you attend a few period of treatment can better thing..

Still have the story of another dreariness:

The terrestrial tragic of such bristle with anger making a person is in each country arrangement of ideas is not poor. Shi Taiteng of Mu of A of Austrian the eastpart part presses down girl Yi Li Sha to be closed in a narrow, outfit to wear as a child in vain dark door and electronic password lock, do not have the glass, underground penetralia that has 1.6 meters tall only about.

Close her those who be here, the one's own father that is her makes an appointment with husband of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...


In the dungeon of complete darkness, the gender approached all in the day's work.

1986, yi Lisha is pregnant first in vain, but the 10 miscarriage after week. Immediately following in time year in October, she is pregnant once more. Insist to fall in hers, joseph gave her to concern the book that be pregnant and a scissors originally. On a dirty blanket, yi Lisha is delivered of the first child alone in vain.

Later, bai Youdan of Yi beautiful Sha left 6 children with Joseph.

Yi Lisha's white children are born oneself case, had not left this basement. After be being rescued, these children sit in the car to fear so that tremble all over.

Because they see a moon and surprisingly magnify the mouth, meet the other side gently with elbow each other and pointing to look.

City couple captivity 13 children, one day gives a meal only, flog, rape brutal act is ceaseless...

Yi Lisha is white by the basement of captivity

The motion picture that article begin mentions " room " , adapt creative work for prototype with this story.

However, film director is done not have so cruel. In the film, he the captivity of Jackie and mother writes a little boy into " fairy tale story " , at least this " room " cage is not for the Jackie to 5 years old, however his whole world.

But the child in real world is far however not so lucky. What kind of maltreat was endured in the room like cage, cannot bear really think carefully.

This world how?

No matter where be, can see emerge in endlessly mistreat, the case that the gender approachs children.

2010, texas of American United States Dalasi 38 years old of one men are locked up 3 children in dirty hotel shower room to endure the torments of hunger by accusation 9 months, 99 years are sentenced to imprison by jury after.

2011, the mind of Dujia of · of California girl Jiessie that Ceng Hong changes complete beauty (Jaycee Dugard) is as long as by staking, confine and rape 18 years one case is adjudged formally eventually, · of general of convict humble benefit adds many lis of couples to be sentenced 467 years in all.

2016, a pair of husband and wife that Er person visits Australia Xin Nawei, what because captivity reachs daughter of sexual cruel one's own,amount to 15 years is long also be sentenced with severe punishment.

Finally, the body that hopes to be harmed only, by the life of confine, the soul that is destroyed, by the childhood of spirit away, can be in get saving atone for in the future. Wish all children that had sufferred an injury, in the following years, be loved to be surrounded with kindness only.

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