Cui Yongyuan dispatch " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , the netizen comments on big f

Cui Yongyuan dispatch " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , the netizen comments on big favor!

Trumpet of before dawn Cui Yongyuan releases a text yesterday " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , textual as follows:

Cui Yongyuan dispatch " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , the netizen comments on big favor!

2013, square boatman foretaste turns say to the reporter when gene corn: Should create a condition to let compatriots eat every day turn gene. I feel disgusted, I do not want to eat, I do not know to turn what is gene, do not eat so. This is the authority of know the inside story of consumer and option. You are Qingdao prawn, I also can choose not to eat. Square boatman is very fierce, say oneself are much more professional a little while say to turn a little while is gene much more advanced say oneself are much more authoritative a little while... but what there is be but what there is,used? What reason can you find out to strip authority of my know the inside story and option? Then, square boatman corrected oneself, he says reporter clerical error, he did not say that word at all. This does egg thing, then you do not seek reporter account, contend for a bird with me? Overnight, I originally below completely small gain much by tens of thousands bad language, with journalist sensitive, I know here face is occupied, very unfortunate, this thing was stared at to go up by me. (unfinished to be continued) ? ? ? ?

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Cui Yongyuan dispatch " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , the netizen comments on big favor!

Cui Yongyuan dispatch " turn how is gene fraud disclosed by me 1 " , the netizen comments on big favor!

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