The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding,

Unite Mongolia into Jisaihan all ministries, build big Mongolia nation, after this is started for many times conquer external war, conquer district on the west the seaside of the Black Sea of Da Zhongya, hamster, build not world achievement, these cannot leave those famous generals of his at hand.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

4 outstanding (Er of rich Er art, Muhuali, rich ignore, bare is old lukewarm)

Mu Huali: Mongolia empire famous general, height 7 feet, hu Shouqiu is needed, black area, chen Yi much wisdom and resourcefulness, simian arm be apt to is shot, pull Gong Ershi strong. He with Chen Yi much wisdom, Xiong Yongshan battle is celebrated, with rich Er art most suffer regard highly, by hophornbeam true praise for " still of the car have thill, of the body have an arm. " 40 years a follow hophornbeam is true, without battle not from, hophornbeam of assist a ruler in governing a country unites Mongolia really all ministries, battle achievement is outstanding. Think of sweat the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor into auspicious, seal for left wing 10 thousand householder, to ask for golden generalissimo, too division, kingly, grant 9 white a big army banner, era applies into Jisaihan favour power. Through 6 years of go on an expedition, conquered early or late land of Jin Chaoda part. The world holds the post of " cowardly Xue " (bodyguard army) long, for one of official of 10 great merit, enjoy the privilege that crime does not punish 9 times. . Be in yuan of generation, exploit the Muhuali with celebrated, great place is familial with " faithful " with " fierce " for its domestic wind. In the meantime, they with each passing day Confucianism person come forth in large numbers, to An Tong, do obeisance to it is only with flower all be with upholding Chinese law when the photograph oneself, become the important delegate person that Chinese law sends Mongolia noble.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Rich Er art: Mongolia empire famous general, when rich Er art is 13 years old, because aid a teenager to be recaptured into Jisaihan by the love horse of pilfer, make its follower. Join Mongolia army the earliest, the development that is Mongolia makes enormous contribution. Attend unified Mongolia all ministry wars, annals meaning heavy hero, zhan Zhibing of be apt to, establish meritorious military service more, first what list a founder of the state. Position and Muhuali comparative, 2 people be in all will over. When Mongolia country is built, because of result seal right wing 10 thousand householder hold 1000 householder concurrently, presidential sweat front courtyard with the vast area of A Er Mount Taishan reaching on the west, get regard highly, group my matchless person, and life sweat child examine closes a station from get instruction. The world holds the post of " cowardly Xue " (bodyguard army) long, for yuan first one of official of 10 great merit, enjoy the privilege that crime does not punish 9 times.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Rich Er ignore: Mongolia empire famous general, pick up in battlefield place, by the Mu He into Jisaihan frontal logical sequence is brought up, also be " 4 nursling " one of. With divine fierce celebrated. Rescue agonal nest broad stage from battlefield and build result. When Mongolia country is built, because of householder of result Feng Qian, cooperate rich Er art to be the same as army of palm right wing. Become Jisaihan 12 years, when ministry of watchful of bald horse of go on a punitive expedition, in dead Yu Jun of arms of the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season. Reach ministry of bald Ma Ti to make the same score, with this ministry civilian is granted 100 times its wife, in order to show comfort and compensate a bereaved family. King of this world that seal Qi is chased after after. The world holds the post of " cowardly Xue " (bodyguard army) long, for one of official of 10 great merit, enjoy the privilege that crime does not punish 9 times.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Bare is old lukewarm: Mongolia empire famous general, father is a lock rarely is broken perverse, brother is heavy white, the little sister answers to close after An Huang. In teenager Cheng Jisai sweat is risinged to a height by Tai Yichi a group of things with common features during pursueing and attack covering its escape from a danger, obtain credit. Along with Cheng Jisai sweat enters the battle with unified departmental Mongolia, fight brave, hophornbeam gives number really " A bald " (Trojan) . When Mongolia country is built, be the same as a palm with father 1000, acting father is gotten army, all gets river of Xue Liang case (river of lubricious arris case) area. The world holds the post of " cowardly Xue " (bodyguard army) long, for one of official of 10 great merit. Descendent " answer thorn rarely " date, enjoy the privilege that crime does not punish 9 times. Descendants is yuan of face 4 names a group of things with common features one of, extremely use up ascendancy.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

4 brave (weigh 4 mastiff, 4 dogs, 4 pioneers again) (sagacious is fastened, person strap disdain, fast not stage, come surely suddenly)

Sagacious fastens: Mongolia empire famous general, mongolia fastens fast ministry person, ministry of black of bare of peaceful of original submit to, jisaihan surrenders after, sagacious favor a name is fastened (Mongolia language, the meaning of the arrow, the origin that sagacious surnames) . Sagacious fastens battle of brave be apt to, rise repeatedly by ten householder to 1000 householder. 1211, gold is attacked below Sui Chengji Sai Hanna, break run of month of Wu Sha fort, black, unplug heart begin seat of government, enter the Juyongguan Pass, in be being touched continuously (today Beijing) . 1218, lead 20 thousand people to destroy on the west distant, hold behead bends a rule. Follow Jisaihanxi to ask for, sagacious is fastened with fast not rate army is copied sweep past Persia Iraq the country such as all cities and Azerbaijan, Gelujiya. 1223, luo Sai of Wo of the smash in the battle that straps Jia river in Jia and admire examine allied forces, return after victory go back to the motherland die of illness in road.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Person strap disdain: Mongolia empire famous general, hophornbeam of serve of informal clothes of from a child is true, once rescued its for many times at jeopardy in, trust, be called " the partner that has good fortune is become " . Hophornbeam is true namely Mongolia ministry sweat when, sagacious straps thin bamboo strip and rich Er art to be sealed to be numerous Guan Zhi to grow together, participate in carry preparing, accompany unites Mongolia departmental, with courageous and resolute battle of be apt to is celebrated, have " drink syrup drives wind " good name. 1202, sagacious straps thin bamboo strip to be in in fighting with ministry of peaceful bare black, saving the hophornbeam that suffers serious injury is true. Next year, bring up the rear of an isolated force, intercept overcomes intense ministry aggression, covering hophornbeam pulls out really. Mongolia country is built, sagacious straps thin bamboo strip to seal 1000 householder, for one of official of 10 great merit, have the privilege that crime does not punish 9 times. Its descendant distributings in left wing of ooze of La of noise made in coughing or vomiting, banner of ooze of La of noise made in coughing or vomiting and build smooth county to be taken.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Fast not stage: Mongolia empire famous general, fine of Mongolia stand upright breaths out ministry person, assist a ruler in governing a country of one's early years consolidates all departments into Jisaihan, permanant pioneer, in order to brave battle of be apt to is celebrated, enjoy " Battle " (Trojan) title. When Mongolia founds a state, seal 1000 householder, for one of official of 10 great merit. Ceng Can and the first, ask for the 2nd times on the west, domain of your Mongolia empire is patulous take to Russia. Place of its go on an expedition and east supreme beautiful, amount to on the west polish, Hungarian, north arrives Siberia, touch south unseal. It is one of general with the widest range of archaic world go on an expedition. The king austral Feng Weihe is chased after after dying, shi faithful calm.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Come surely suddenly: 1189, embrace Li Chengji to think of sweat to be Mongolia sweat, " the cloud bare " (take knife imperial bodyguard namely) . 1204, recieve orders to be fastened for pioneer and sagacious together go out for a battle is pretty. 1206, mongolia country is built, seal 1000 householder suddenly surely, and manager sweat country military affairs. Its place administer 1000 subject Cheng Jisai sweat the 5th child broad line firm. 1211, rate army go out for a battle on the west the arrowroot patrol salary of distant follower, make Er of local chieftain A thinks of Mongolia of orchid sweat come over and pledge allegiance successfully, after answering division, die of illness namely.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

4 younger brother (close scatter, Bielegu stage, add up to bare case of lukewarm, Tie Mu)

Close scatter: Also fast this second child, think of sweat sister younger brother into auspicious. He follows to think of sweat into auspicious since boyhood, the unity that is the Monggol nationality and big Mongolia are built Caesareanly stand left immortal meritorious service. It is the great politician on Mongolia nation history and one of militarist. Close scatter with " divine arrow " celebrated, brave be apt to is shot, arrow does not have empty hair, ying Xian and fall. Gold decides 29 years greatly (the Christian era 1189) , to strengthen the assault of the right of kubla khah and defence foreign enemy, hophornbeam comprises an old armed escort really, hasaer is appointed to be stand upright Ledouchi, the alert of tent of responsible kubla khah and supervisory important task, become the person that guard into admire knife of Jisaihan, bold and powerful cortege, capable assistant.

Do not force ancient station: Also fast this the 5th child, think of sweat different Mu Youdi into auspicious, follow of from a child thinks of sweat go out for a battle into auspicious, for its elder brother palm is gotten from the horse, fight brave, those who hold the post of thing official is long. Bieligu stage nature is pure thick, ming Min much wisdom and resourcefulness, do not be fond of braw, truncal and big and tall, brave force absolutely person, with close scatter it is hophornbeam together true the most capable little brother and companion are become, mongolia does poineering work history on constant them 3 people are carried, hophornbeam says to ever said after the Supreme Being really: "Have the power that fastens li of ancient stage, with a ha scatter shoot, this I take the world also. " country of big 1206 Mongolia is built, cent is sealed at Wo difficult river (today tender river of another name for Hubei province) with region of Ke Lulun river.

Add up to bare lukewarm: Also fast this the 3rd child, really smaller than hophornbeam 4 years old, early end.

Post wood division: Think of the young younger brother with sweat true hophornbeam into auspicious, also fast the youngest son of this and scold forehead logical sequence, smaller than becoming Jisaihan 6 years old. In Mongolia empire tremendous effect was produced in establishing a procedure, assist Ji Saihan eliminate especially Wu Kuo broadness gives exceeding lofty or great, from this he gets elder brother hophornbeam greatly to be mixed really maternal month human relations of logical sequence of forehead of scold of mother of an emperor be very fond of.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

4 child (art bare, examine adds up to broadness of stage, nest stage, hold thunder in the palm)

Art bare: Consider sweat eldest son into auspicious, mongolia sweat country martial general, country of admire examine sweat kubla khah.

Examine closes a station: Into Jisaihan second child, examine adds up to the found person of stage sweat country.

Nest broad stage: Become Jisaihan the 3rd child. Sufferred 1225 at also Shi He (today frontal Er Qi Sihe) take to the south of upper reaches and lake of assorted of Ba Er noise made in coughing or vomiting, the ear that build Wo at also confusing li of city (today Xinjiang forehead quick county) . 1229 ignore in stage congress by support ascend the throng, run whole Mongolia empire. He continues unfulfilled wish dilate of father is domanial, fall south destroy Jin Chao, the clique unplugs expeditionary Europe, territory domain Ceng Kuo is filled during his v/arc be on the throne in inferior, Hua Beihe hamster. During v/arc be on the throne, material of Hunan of law of Ye of appoint Qidan person is in the book makes, use Chinese method, and leave division take person, bookman of Central Plains of put sb in a very important position, lay the foundation of yuan of face.

Hold thunder in the palm: The cent before becoming Jisaihansheng seals Zhu Zi, pull Lei Liu to be beside parents, successive father is mixed hard in Wo cowardly is green connected Wo flower, ley and army. The army that leaves into Jisaihan shares about 129 thousand person, among them major by pull Lei Jicheng. After dying into Jisaihan 1227, 3 sons Bei succession of jin of · nest broad stage, pull thunder inspect country. Rate army beat Jin Jun 1232, die of illness in winding army way. Its cornstalk overtakes honour date after accession of unconscious elder brother, shi " emperor of of soldierly bearing " , temple date " farsighted ancestor " . Its 4 child when Hu Bilie v/arc be on the throne, shi be changinged is scene assist emperor.

4 nursling (broad broadness goes out, break auspicious ignore bald ignore, rich Er ignore, music goes)

Broad broadness goes out: Broad broadness of witch of exceeding lofty or great goes out, it is scold forehead logical sequence originally " 4 nursling " one of, betray becomes Jisaihan later. Will be being connected unexpectedly for years exchanged 5 master, can saying is coetaneous medium " of big traitor most " . Later have no way out, come again go to somewhere for shelter becomes Jisaihan. Think of sweat anger into auspicious its are capricious, killed broad broadness to go out then, let his wife remarry.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Break auspicious ignore bald ignore: Mongolia empire famous general, in Cheng Jisai sweat integrates the meritorious military service in prairie process distinguished, along with Cheng Jisai sweat unites Mongolia all ministries, also played Mongolia first time ask for on the west. After Mongolia founds a state, be sealed to be 1000 householder, er holding the post of thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China ignore bare (the old official that decide an issue) , be equivalent to the prime minister of Central Plains dynasty, participate in write thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China to scatter a law, administer judicatory and money are endowed with. He regards law of Mongolia the first to be appointed to an office as the official, build Zhang Li to make, times of peace and prosperity manages politics, strict and fair in meeting out rewards and punishments, for social peace is stable at that time made outstanding contribution.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Rich Er ignore: Since one of 4 nursling, also be 4 outstanding one of.

Music goes: Disdain beg person, it is one of 4 foster son that consider logical sequence of forehead of sweat mother scold into auspicious, also be one of generals of at hand of Cheng Jisai sweat. Hophornbeam is really expeditionary disdain when beg is tribal, collected a little boy, then according to Mongolia consuetudinary regard its as family, give logical sequence of maternal scold forehead makes nursling. When founding a state into Jisaihan, logical sequence of forehead of scold of deal out mother and division of wood of little brother post 10 thousand, give 4 individual all are gotten, music goes even if among them. Accompany thinks of gold of sweat cut down into auspicious later, be at war in mouth of Juyongguan Pass north. Music goes to develop its with horizontal stroke pulling thunder blast, defeat utterly gold also will be listed etc, got becoming Jisaihan's rich and generous award.

The Sai Hanzheng that become auspicious takes the high-ranking officer of the world: 4 outstanding, 4 brave, 4 younger brother, 4 child, 4 nursling

Besides, still stage of bare of Guo Baoyu, Nayaa, art, Wei answers etc, xing Ruyun, countless.

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