Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

Laolai deposits money on bank card 1 million, however tardy nonperformance 290 thousand Yu Yuan's reimbursement is compulsory. Recently, come executive bureau of phoenix county court is right the deposit of person be executived is buckled lawfully delimit, cogent the legitimate rights and interests that safeguarded application to execute a person.

Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

Dispute of an arrangement to eat at a mess of applicant Chen Mou and Zhou Mou, Gu Mou one case, 2018, classics court tries a court decision, zhou Mou, Gu Mou pays Chen Mou RMB more than yuan 290 thousand. After adjudicating become effective, zhou Mou, Gu Mou did not fulfil the reimbursement obligation with affirmatory copy clerk of become effective law, chen Mou applies for to be carried out compulsively to the court then.

Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

After this case enters executive phase, come phoenix county court carries out a policemen lawfully to service of person be executived belongings of executive advice note, report makes wait for legal copy clerk. Two people still look for all sorts of excuse repudiate, plead again and again, fine long hair is insincere.

Deposit 1 million refus do not return Qian Laifeng court to be buckled compulsively delimit

Subsequently, executive policemen is checked through the network accuse a system to be opposite belongings of under one's name of person be executived undertakes inquiring, discover under one's name of person be executived has can offer executive property, bank deposit remaining sum amounts to 1.5 million yuan, still have house property 3. Executive policemen is made at once freeze a ruling, give out assistance to buckle to the bank delimit deposit advice note, more than yuan 290 thousand executive money is buckled delimit to forensic account, inform the applicant gets case money. So far, this case is successful hold knot.

Come phoenix court


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