This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have.

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

Spring enrages flavour get warm again after a cold spell, all sorts of potherb appear on the market in succession, take the good time of potherb just about. The sort of potherb is very much, some everybody like to eat, some unmanned even make inquires, but also some potherb were become because of a few reasons " the net is red " , in net get angry rise. Than following faces this is planted potherb, because the price is very expensive, became " the net is red " potherb, nevertheless now already " enrage too " . Once one jin sells 119 fund, now just 8, if nevertheless or else eats, did not have.

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

This kind of potherb is " Chinese toon bud " , namely the tender bud that Chinese toon cultivates, had after odour will be warm early spring commonly. When just beginning to appear on the market, once sold 119 fund, be in quickly next net get angry, call generation " potherb net is red " . The netizens of each district bask in bade case in succession, some a jin 110, some a jin 98. After seeing these values, netizens express: Eat not to rise sincerely!

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

The elapse as time, chinese toon bud enters peak period, the price also is one day falls, chinese toon bud appears on the market in great quantities now, the price is already dog-cheap, netizens say Chinese toon bud " too angry " , ha. The market near my home 8 yuan a jin, 5 money two small, enough fry a dish of dish. Of Chinese toon bud seasonal very strong, enter in April slowly lignification, that cannot eat. Think eating word so, solicit comments is good now, or else ate to be done not have!

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

Of Chinese toon bud eat a law to have a lot of, everybody introduction gives 3 kinds of more delicate ways below, the first kind, chinese toon bud scrambles egg. Clean Chinese toon bud clean first, scald water 2 minutes, fish out accuses to do moisture, cut small broken last stage. Prepare egg fluid next, put a few salt, mix is even. Oil pours in boiler next, 8 enter egg fluid into heat, when half caky hind, agitate a few, put the Chinese toon shoot that has cut then, putting little salt next, agitate can give boiler equably.

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

The 2nd kind, fish of deepfry Chinese toon. Pick small Chinese toon shoot, clean clean, accuse to do moisture. Prepare egg fluid next, enter starch of flour, corn and water, mix is even, want a little a bit rarer, can let Chinese toon bud be hanged thin thin a paste goes. Can be Chinese toon bud then in the bowl wrap, next oily boiler blast after hanging paste are ripe, panada color is golden OK, very good ripe, flavour is particularly delicious.

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

The 3rd kind, sauce of Chinese toon pepper. Have 2 kinds of ways, fastfood method: First scald of Chinese toon bud water hind is mincing, oil pours in boiler next, powder of green ginger garlic, still bright chili cuts the boiler below end to explode sweet, put the Chinese toon shoot that has cut next, break up fry a few times, put salt and pepper to be able to give boiler, smell is sweet hot go with rice. Another kind of practice, it is groovy when making pepper sauce, the last pace puts the mincing Chinese toon shoot after scald water again, like that small fire is stewed a little while, can save for a long time.

This " the net is red " potherb " enrage too " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have

This plants Chinese toon bud " the net is red " potherb " too angry " , once one jin 119, now just 8 yuan, did not eat to be done not have. And Chinese toon bud still has filling kidney to raise the action of hair. Do you like to take Chinese toon shoot? Which kinds to like to have a way most?

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