What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequ

In recent years, concept of the Silk Road has be heated is held in both hands in the world, this basically is to serve as the Chinese economy of start of traditional silk road to fly once more. And the Silk Road most appear on Asia-Europe mainland first, be in 4 Caesarean period. Qin Han, Gui Shuang, rest, Roman paratactic Yu Shishi is the Silk Road when be being stabilized most, among them Rome and China the road that list silk two end, most important.

Adopy the Qin Dynasty makes the Hanchaoyin at that time, be passed what say after Rome to be the Qin Dynasty by business travel; And because hearsay Rome is exactly like China and Han Chaoyi call his big the Qin Dynasty. But arrived 3 centuries, these two countries that all call the other side the Qin Dynasty each other are faced with at the same time however break down, what what differ is China after the be pregnant with that experienced a few centuries, country of final big Tang Di is commensurate feed an empire to become the main force that recombines filar road together, and in the backwash that Rome disappears in the history, be risked to using oneself renown name by a lot of mixed countries.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

So once driving temporarily, how is the Rome of will Mediterranean glom on to to move toward ruined? What is the cause that affects die out of this powerful and prosperous country after all?

Come to date from Rome from long-term time line actually ruined reason, brotherly reform has buried the Gelagu of so republic times laid ruined seed. The chaos caused by war of Roman in successive years at that time, difference of the rich and the poor increases increasingly, this brought about the regnant cornerstone that builds after Rome ends king politics period to happen to shake. Estate of Roman home citizen and aristocratic estate cannot have continued to maintain this kind of pattern that is in office jointly. Brother reforms Gelagu even if initiate below such setting, the reform policy huge that stands in civilian one party however spurred the development of civilian pure, outbreak conflict between most and civilian despotic rule and aristocratic forestall, brought about civilian group and the fight that the noble sends finally to arrive from political field move over battlefield.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

Because enrage,brother reforms Gelagu aristocratic interest and be killed to be in by kill early or late protect civilian official to allow to go up, this reforms existence with king of severe of week of period of Chinese the Western Zhou Dynasty a kind of weird mirror concerns. Week severe king stands on the interest of royal family and noble, have centralization of state power to the interest of compatriots estate, the intent revives the royal family is right the absolutely authority of the world, be overthrown finally in compatriots insurrection, history weigh severe only then change is in charge of. The status that case plays ancient brother to be the same as week severe king just contrary, but the mistake that they make is same however. Too radical reform policy is in short-term inside carry out compulsively, of the person that certainly will creates vested interest turn over bite.

The sequela horse that Roman civilian sends absorbed case to draw the lesson of ancient brother slightly, begin to undertake the military affairs is reformed. To solve problem of sources of soldiers, ma Lue is changeover of former universal military service mercenary system. This kind of military affairs system that in Tangchao later period begins to carry out brought about Tang Mofan to press down the random bureau that set up a separatist regime by force of arms, and also caused same effect in Rome. Because lack active conscription management, system of army of this kind of occupation brings about the connection between soldier and general finally to be sent more close together, become the illicit soldier with each substantial general. Roman warlord phenomenon is formed accordingly.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

The characteristic of mercenary system is professional army, fight legionarily accordingly actual strength is very powerful. At the beginning of the Warring States year the Wei Wucu that Wu Qi founds in Weiguo ever forced close country 80 years not dare footfall river on the west, the unit of arms of this kind of similar particular kind is established with mercenary system. Through Ma Lue's reform, martial actual strength of Rome increased, but hidden trouble is deepened further however.

Arrive again later, the emperor waits first in Dai Ke wantonly expansion is military, was on the road of use all armed might to indulge in aggressive wars increasingly. The Silk Road at that time be gotten on by Persia highland rest and the Sa Shan later is being controlled, dispute is accordingly ceaseless between empire of Roman Tongan breath. Long-term battle pressure brings about these Roman emperors ceaseless recruit is northward classify of pretty a group of things with common features is legionary, and these the tribal system that pretty a group of things with common features often is preserving him. Last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty arrives when Cao Wei period, hun is mixed south other Hu Ren is ceaseless south change, the Western Jin Dynasty is executed write Hu Qimin policy, the consequence that maintains structure of tribe of northward Hu Ren and life feature however is Yong Jiazhi chaos and 5 careless China. The 3 big pretty of Roman north a group of things with common features in, teuton tribe structure is most mature, number also most, although can help Rome fight external, often can turn over bite because of expedience however old advocate.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

The Rome that is full of pretty a group of things with common features is legionary, bring about Roman empire and emperor to cannot be used duty, compulsory, patriotic wait for Caesarean and devotional forthcoming month to count army, the give special treatment of rich and generous award and franchise becomes hold together emperor only to legionary pilot method. Because this is below the most circumstance of Roman imperialistic period, the emperor is that warlord with the strongest actual strength, although normally this raises warlord,be Danube group.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

To the armed strength advocate replaced Rome's former spirit belief, once the folkway of hard-working, wholehearted devotion to public duty is thrown already after the head. Get what the emperor with frame-up country quickened social ethics morality to rot, all these offerred soil for Christian introduction and dilate.

Be different from the Central Plains area that the Western Jin Dynasty leaves south 5 moustache, rome is complete on the number pretty of be not a patch on a group of things with common features. And mix when christian pretty a group of things with common features is consuetudinary when be in harmony collects an organic whole, one is not born at Roman civilization infirmly. 5 moustache blend in society of the Han people mostly after Naxiazhi in the life, but the remains that Teuton is stepping on Rome however built a series of powerful nations such as Frank.

What reason brings about Rome to break down from big unify trend? Wrong reform causes deadly consequence!

Of Rome ruined great to the influence of the world, on the west after Rome is ruined, rome continued to maintain again east millenarian. The Byzantium position of culture of Latin of and rather than of this successive and classic Greek legacy is in continued after a variety of hidden trouble of Rome, with each passing day die out.

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