MH370 search is about to restart, cannot find debris not to pay, what does this company rely on to r

On January 10, 2018, infinite " company signs Malaysia government and American " ocean treaty, decide by " ocean infinite " company breaks couplet plane to undertake searching for to Ma Hang MH370. According to treaty, this agreement adopts " to cannot find debris not to pay the form of " . Be in namely agreement inside deadline of 90 days, "Company of marine and infinite " must find the major debris of plane of Ma Hang MH370 or two black boxes, ability wins pay. Otherwise, "Company of marine and infinite " will cannot get a minute of money. As we have learned, "Cannot find do not want money " this offers is by ocean infinite company is put forward.

So, why " marine and infinite " is company know how things stand and feel confident of handling them enraged so do?

Above all, advanced science and technology and equipment provided strong support to find Ma Hang MH370. This search area is to build a report that published in April 2017 in Australian investigation personnel over. Investigation personnel drifts to plane debris the model undertakes research hind thinks consistently, of airliner of Ma Hang MH370 object Haitian dot is in the most likely former search area with north. Search for this, "Company of marine and infinite " will carry the target sea area of the kilometer of 25 thousand square of security bureau line out to undertake searching in Australia, enlarge search limits gradually. According to " ocean infinite " company says, the name of " of " seabed builder that shares a search distributes stock 8 unmanned submarine, all contain a variety of sensor, can realize own underwater to explore, hopeful is efficient the search that finish, the company is accordingly confident to finding MH370 plane debris.

Next, the company has the experience that seeks aviation accident flight number. On June 1, 2009, french aviation the plane of an airbus A330-203 in 447 airliners, take off from Brazilian Riode Janeiro, fly to soup of the experience in French Paris road, before dawn was in on June 1 Atlantic in the sky be missing mysteriously, 12 people of 216 people of passenger, unit member do not have lifetime to return. After aviation accident happening, marine and infinite company has partial major personage to participate in search for. This to Ma Hang MH370 search for, in 4 Ceng Can and the professional personage that 447 airliners aviation accident searched law ship 2009 participate in his.

Believe, search for this can find valuable clue.

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