Big board in-house fill cement, is that big board is decorative pattern false?

This problem resembles simply prepare for me! Before two days of friends are adornment bridal chamber, specially bought big board desk, buy come back to hear real wood is big board too heavy, inside likelihood fill cement, regret in the heart extremely. Pull me to go then is the businessman true fill questioningly then cement?

Businessman manner is very good, know to circulating recently big board fill cement this kind of view. Then businessman very stick-to-itive follows our explanation: Were such explanations understood not? After saying, the heart that the friend is hanging that eventually can be born.

Above all real wood is big board inside fill cement is impossible thing. General authority thinks chronically, the weight with wood qualitative material just is opposite gentlier, and big board many what made furniture compares other woodiness furniture generally to weigh, can have so big board inside the idea of fill cement, actually the weight of cement is mixed big board weight still has certain distinction, if fill cement, big board weight can be more than itself far big board of weight. (for example: Grow 200 centimeters together, 100 centimeters wide reach ply 10 centimeters big board, weight is controlled in 200 kilograms, fill affirmation of the weight after cement is more than so heavy)

In addition big board cent is a lot of sort, have cling to the flower is big board, black wingceltis is big board etc, cling to the flower is big board medium high mountain cling to the flower is big board because unripe long environment is harsh, compare on the price consequently tall, have collect value. Other big board price moderate, if big board inside true fill cement, the price of cement can be compared big board expensive, how can the businessman do business of lose money in business so?

In addition a lot of people think big board the decorative pattern with clear surface is artifical, pure have naturally so distinct, delicate? Actually because big board phyletic and various, the delicate degree irregular of grain is so differ. For example high mountain cling to the flower is big board, this kind big board grow in harsh environment, endured wind to blow rain to hit, density is so high, lines is elaborate, decorative pattern is distinct, beautiful, have very tall collect value.

Course burnish, go up after lacquer, big board exterior figure is more good-looking, fine, quality of a material is exquisite, have very good adornment sex already, also have very strong practical function.

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