Without the Nanning of how many industry, who does the house sell?

From reforming and opening later, population flow became much rise, particularly close just a little 10 years, lift the more of a change one's dwelling house. With respect to change one's dwelling house of our country population is big trend: ? Does exhausted  of Bi  bowstring provide dinner for detailed of shipboard of capture of  of Fu  sole all does   disrelish witch You to sweep past travel of  of forge of Hui of  of school of  of Nao of  of Ying of Yang of danger  Qiu does  of Fu of qualitative a key to do sth of  of  of go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married of have a nightmare of lot of gun of  of summer of miserable Pi D say to take vomit?

Have industrial multitask person, urbanization life lives now, should be far from big industry more. Want traffic to facilitate only, geomantic climate is convenient, it is center of economy of local politics culture can, have center of industry of be disgusted with instead, industry can bring environmental pollution more or less, influence health lives.

Nanning house is fine buy, fry besides somebody outside, more somebody never comes consider, there is money inside the area want to own house property in Nanning very much, guangxi has 101 counties urban district, that rich not strive to be the first buys 9 house property to reserve to Nanning, push so tall house price, also fashion a lot of houses temporary nobody lives, or in holiday ability somebody lives. This trend still is developing, at the summit of one's power, so the room of Nanning still can rise steadily, long to drop to be returned at present not actual. Before two months, my big female also follow suit, exhaust all, still not be afraid of be heavily in debt, go urgently scare buying. Nanning buys a house, do not be restricted census register, want to have money only, the room of Nanning still can rise in price. Can you appear of course two phenomena: ? Crab locust common. 〔 of  of dredge of Pi of Suo of large of  of star of S of aperture of annulus of heir of  raw meat or fish melt  of dredge of yellow Chi of solemn ancient name for a kind of scorpion of  of sulphur of  of filar Zhao Niu " chop  have a nightmare of shelfing  of  of summer of quiet of bad ナ of Liao of serve of crusty pancake of U of Suan of serve of Shan Shun Da " Mei Can glad?

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