BC mayor union says chummage wants to go up greatly! Preparative immigrant arrives in the sea

[Canadian landed head Guo Xing compose] an organization calls BC mayor federation (Union Of B.C. Municipalities) , currently holding the post ofa chairman is Greg Moore of nobility forest mayor. Went up in the formal meeting of federation on Feburary 1, this organization puts forward 32 to aim to alleviate the proposal of crisis of BC province housing.

BC mayor union says chummage wants to go up greatly! Preparative immigrant arrives in the sea

What cause a mighty uproar among them is to raise rent substantially!

Current law sets, the house that BC visits advocate go up every year at most hire 4% . But BC mayor federation thinks, this extent is too low!

BC mayor union says, limitative hire extent can prevent landlord to have significant improvement to its house property, the older renting house that heavies repair to need especially.

Greg Moore of mayor of nobility forest city says: "We hear a large number of clear voice, say hire rise range can't pay even uphold architectural charge. Say hire rise range can't pay even uphold architectural charge..

So, should encourage owner to build use technically at hack building, raise hire to raise the upper limit of extent.

In the meantime, proposal of BC mayor union is avoided to be used at hack to build a building to offer taxation to touch, support joint development rental housing, appoint area to develop rental housing at the same time.

Small is making up the mayor that sees this proposal feel BC is saved to Your Excellency funny force? No matter be the group house of Singapore,still be Hong Kong is fair the cheap that renting a house is China even hired a room to had been offerred so clear borrowed stencil, attend a meeting to discuss of that meeting from comb manage even now.

Pass to the parliament again to province government from BC mayor federation, still do not know to want how many years. The detailed rules that so this topic for discussion can carry out very quickly truly goes up namely chummage!

Yes, chummage was about to go up! Especially the apartment of urban core a sector of an area, because the supply demand relations here is of imparity forever. Also be the gold that grows old people contribute money for city advocate main investment a sector of an area.

Grow the beautiful meaning of old people to city, david Hutniak of Landlord B.C presiding apparitor very cooperate the ground to say, without the person motivation does many estate to invest now, because they do not have method,call in cost. Raise hire to conduce to house so advocate investment. Through " the residence rents a law " can obtain more substantially hire rises.

But Wengehua hires guest alliance (Vancouver Tenants Union) Derrick O'Keefe expresses, the opinion that raises hire amplitude upper limit is Babylon. Because in low income person not only cannot the burden buys house price, the price that rent a house also already very difficult burden.

He points out, dawengehua area two bedrooms hire all valence is every months 1552 yuan, rise 4% mean annual and floriferous 745 yuan. This crosses salary already quickly go up a career that spends inflation quickly also.

Small organize the support that wants to lose infirmly finally: Even if is go up according to the speed of 4% go down, future is very much in low income person also can emigrate to live to sea mile only.

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