Hinterland of Iran of development of Israel opportunity for combat scouts, dash forward meet with Ir

A Israel F-35 opportunity for combat fly to the near future into base of missile of air defence of Iran of Iranian hinterland scout, system of Iranian air defence is without the message that be aware of to circulate on the net. Israel media shows this information fully, it is to have awe effect apparently very, the concealed body opportunity for combat that should tell Iran Israel namely is OK of unbridled fly into Iranian territorial air, and won't be discovered. Of course Israel announces this news also is the U.S. Army hopes to see most right. Can be a newses that media of United States of the corresponding period announces criterion afford for thought, the news that announces with Israel differs somewhat.

Hinterland of Iran of development of Israel opportunity for combat scouts, dash forward meet with Iranian missile down, beautiful doubt Russia is violated compasses

Website of American state interest announced a message to point out recently, probably the churchyard of Iran of development of an opportunity for combat of the Israel end May has spy, begin phase very successful, israel obtained information of much not little information. But abrupt case produces change, iran a missile is abrupt howl and come, israel opportunity for combat by down. There are a large number of comments about this message on media at present, but Iran and Israel did not confirm this information actively.

Hinterland of Iran of development of Israel opportunity for combat scouts, dash forward meet with Iranian missile down, beautiful doubt Russia is violated compasses

Russian satellite network points out, the sensitive hour that in Iranian Israel suddenly rich weichis announces website of American state interest afford for thought of such a message. Website of American state interest points out, via confirming Israel opportunity for combat meets with the missile of down originates Russia, should be the missile of S300 air defence of Russia. This website criticises Russia violated relevant international agreement, violate compasses Xiang Yilang to supply missile of advanced air defence, claim Russia should is in charge of by down for Israel opportunity for combat.

Hinterland of Iran of development of Israel opportunity for combat scouts, dash forward meet with Iranian missile down, beautiful doubt Russia is violated compasses

The United States criticises Russia is violated compasses supply missile, bring about Israel opportunity for combat by down, but its are right however,Israel opportunity for combat enters a country illegally Iran, begin secret scout task to do not say a single word, it is to censure optionally apparently, the way that and this kind censures Russia intentionally offers a weapon is not brillant. Russian satellite network points out, iranian him defend the person that territorial air down inbreaks, this is done not have any can censure, is Iranian need right is the person that inbreak apathetic?

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