Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

A person sits cab, when nearing him home, discover a body to go up already a single cent or penny not remnant.

"Stop here, " he cries, "I arrive wayside small sell inn to buy packet of cigarette to come back. I have 10 pound to drop on board, because of the car inside too dark, cannot find temporarily, lend me 1 money first buy smoke. Lend me 1 money first buy smoke..

He had received money quickstep to enter small sell store, look later, resemble his expect in that way, the taxi leaves rapidly ran.

Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

Do you think I am long such? I am only actually long such

A gent should open a room to a restaurant of travel resort, because he did not book and attendant rejects to say: "The room is completely full, cannot arrange. Cannot arrange..

"Listening! " gent says, "If I tell you, if the president comes to here, can you provide a guest room to him immediately certainly? Can you provide a guest room to him immediately certainly??

"Of course, he is total... "

"Good, my honor ground informs you: The president did not come tonight. You give me his room! You give me his room!!

Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

One day, a plute should buy a car, do not have lucky plate number in the travel that it is a car however indecisive. Car travel boss walks over to laughing to say: "This plate is pretty good 00544 (move move me to try) , make sure nobody dare be offended, pretty good " !

Plute is enchanted, buy this car instantly, can give traffic accident the following day, plute steps down a car angrily, the heart thinks you also dare hit this car, can get off look instantly of gloomy went, the plate of former opposite party is 44944 (try) .

Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

Trainee of some hospital invite applications for a job, the professor asks a question: "I was hibernated by the bee one day, how should do? " armour: "Go back besmear spot oil is good. " second: "Medicine driving a point and oil go back diminish inflammation and besmear! " third: "Wow! Disastrous, you illuminate a B to exceed in this academy, illuminate a cardiogram, must take courtyard observation. Consequence is very otherwise serious! " next, third was admitted!

Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

One driver is driving the red light that a tractor has entered traffic hillock opened the past swaggeringly. Traffic police surpriseds unceasingly, busy drive car is chased, one before one hind apart is closer and closer.

Abrupt, the tractor bumps on a large tree directly, internal-combustion engine slowly extinguish fire. The police jumps down a car to questioningly: "Why to a moment ago let you jockey are you ceaseless? " the driver shakes shake one's head ground of have no alternative says: "I let it stop to stop no less than coming, do you let it stop to stop? You think who you are. You think who you are..

Jest Gif Duan Zi: This flavour... washed-up, I should move!

This flavour. . . Washed-up, I should move!

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